Florida SEACAR Data Discovery
Statewide Ecosystem Assessment of Coastal and Aquatic Resources
Florida DEP
USF Water Institute
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Florida SEACAR Data Discovery
Statewide Ecosystem Assessment of Coastal and Aquatic Resources
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4035 - 2003 Florida Vegetation and Land Cover
5042 - 2017 Coral Disease Boundary Survey
5030 - A Comparison of Side-Scan Sonar and Aerial Photography for Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Mapping
4064 - A spatial model to improve site selection for seagrass restoration in shallow boating environments
169 - Abundance, Distribution, and Condition of Acropora Corals, Other Benthic Coral Reef Organisms, and Marine Debris (SCREAM)
5011 - ANERR Mangrove Mapping
997 - Apalachicola Bay Ephemeral SAV Monitoring
5075 - Apalachicola Bay Intertidal Oyster Sampling
627 - Apalachicola Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve Surface Elevation Monitoring
967 - Apalachicola Bay Oyster Restoration Monitoring
10002 - Apalachicola Bay Oyster Size Class Monitoring
5013 - Apalachicola Bay Phytoplankton Monitoring Program
968 - Apalachicola Bay State-Funded Oyster Monitoring
5012 - Apalachicola Bay Zooplankton Monitoring Program
5009 - Apalachicola Emergent Marsh Vegetation Monitoring
5010 - Apalachicola Intertidal Oyster Project
129 - Apalachicola National Estuarine Research Reserve Juvenile Fish and Benthic Macroinvertebrate Monitoring
542 - Apalachicola National Estuarine Research Reserve Oyster Growth Project
355 - Apalachicola National Estuarine Research Reserve System-Wide Monitoring Program
13 - Aquarius
4 - Argos
987 - Assessment of Coral Reef Organisms in Dry Tortugas National Park and the Western Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary
5074 - Assessment of Oysters and Barnacles Along the Chassahowitzka, Homosassa, and Lower Withlacoochee River Systems
2 - Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory (AOML) South Florida Program Moored Instrument Array
3 - Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory (AOML) South Florida Program Synoptic Shipboard Surveys
93 - Beaches Condition Reporting System
4040 - Benthic information
560 - Big Bend Seagrasses & Nature Coast Aquatic Preserves - Seagrass Monitoring
471 - Big Bend Seagrasses Aquatic Preserves Continuous Water Quality Monitoring
5025 - Big Bend Seagrasses Aquatic Preserves Marine Debris Program
5067 - Big Bend Seagrassess Aquatic Preserves - Hardbottom
5077 - Biscayne Bay Aquatic Preserves Continuous Water Quality Monitoring
4057 - Biscayne Bay Water Watch
4066 - Brevard County Shoreline and Mapping (CM714)
475 - Cape Romano Ten Thousand Islands Aquatic Preserve Water Quality Monitoring
469 - Central Panhandle Aquatic Preserve WQ Monitoring
468 - Central Panhandle Aquatic Preserves Continuous Water Quality Monitoring
557 - Central Panhandle Aquatic Preserves Seagrass Monitoring
640 - Change and Soil Accretion in the Mangrove Salinity Transition Zone
5046 - Characterization of Acropora cervicornis Patches
5029 - Charlotte Harbor Aquatic Preserves and J.N. "Ding" NWR Colonial Wading and Diving Bird Nest Monitoring and Protection
512 - Charlotte Harbor Aquatic Preserves Continuous Water Quality Monitoring
5028 - Charlotte Harbor Aquatic Preserves Monthly Water Quality Program
476 - Charlotte Harbor Estuaries Volunteer Water Quality Monitoring Network
4021 - Charlotte Harbor Mangrove Monitoring
570 - Charlotte Harbor Seagrass Monitoring
537 - Choctawhatchee Basin Alliance Living Shorelines Oyster Reef Monitoring
554 - Choctawhatchee Basin Alliance Seagrass Monitoring
4058 - City of Miami Beach Water Monitoring
4034 - Coastal Change Analysis Program (C-CAP)
513 - Coastal Charlotte Harbor Monitoring Network
622 - Coastal Data Acquisition Program - Regional Coastal Monitoring
651 - Coastal Habitat Integrated Mapping and Monitoring Program (CHIMMP) Pilot Monitoring Data
3031 - Coastal Wetlands
4039 - Coastal Wetlands Monitoring in the Southeast U.S.
960 - Comprehensive Study of the Impact of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill on the Health and Productivity of Gulf Coast Salt Marshes
989 - Continuous Bottom Temperature Measurements along the Florida Reef Tract
5040 - Coral Disease Monitoring Sentinel Sites
5041 - Coral Disease Treatment Sentinel Sites
4004 - Deep Water Horizon
5073 - Deepwater Horizon NRDA Oyster Technical Working Group Oyster Quadrat Abundance Sampling
5063 - Distribution and Condition of Intertidal Eastern Oyster (Crassostrea virginica) Reefs in Apalachicola Bay Florida Based on High-Resolution Satellite Imagery
115 - Environmental Monitoring Assessment Program
103 - EPA STOrage and RETrieval Data Warehouse (STORET)/WQX
474 - Estero Bay Aquatic Preserve Continuous Water Quality Monitoring
5022 - Estero Bay Macro Algae Sampling
5024 - Estero Bay Monofilament and Marine Debris Removal
4042 - Estero Bay Oyster Monitoring
1320 - Estero Bay Photo Point Monitoring
5021 - Estero Bay Rookery Monitoring
571 - Estero Bay Seagrass Monitoring
4063 - Estero Bay Tributary Monitoring
5023 - Estero Bay Wading Trip Species Inventory
988 - Etiology and Distribution of Coral Diseases in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary
966 - Everglades Hydrologic Restoration Effects on Plant Communities
641 - Everglades Hydrologic Restoration Effects on Plant Communities
359 - Everglades National Park Hydrologic Monitoring Program
318 - Everglades National Park Water Quality Monitoring
5062 - FDEP Bureau of Survey and Mapping Continuous Water Quality Program
4005 - FGCU Oyster Reef Restoration Project
33 - Fisheries Logbook System
69 - Fisheries-Independent Monitoring (FIM) Program
5003 - Flagler College Fisheries Monitoring in GTM NERR
607 - Florida Bay Scallop Monitoring Program
3023 - Florida Bay Sponge Restoration
100 - Florida Beach Water Sampling Program
4051 - Florida Coastal Everglades Long-term Ecological Research
4029 - Florida Cooperative Land Cover (CLC) map
4001 - Florida DACS SEAS Program
519 - Florida Fisheries Independent Monitoring - Baitfish Surveys
523 - Florida Hooked Gear Marine Fish Surveys
295 - Florida Keys and Southeast Florida Coral Reef Evaluation and Monitoring Project (CREMP/SECREMP)
10004 - Florida Keys Aquatic Preserves Continuous Water Quality Monitoring
10007 - Florida Keys Aquatic Preserves Seagrass Monitoring
982 - Florida Keys Bleach Watch
296 - Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary Seagrass Monitoring Project
297 - Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary Water Quality Monitoring Project
3000 - Florida Keys Water Watch
514 - Florida LAKEWATCH Program
981 - Florida Reef Resilience Program
555 - Florida Seagrass Integrated Monitoring and Mapping (SIMM) Project
3032 - Florida Seagrass Recovery Project
520 - Florida Southeast Area Monitoring and Assessment Program (SEAMAP) - Groundfish Surveys
521 - Florida Southeast Area Monitoring and Assessment Program (SEAMAP) - Ichthyoplankton Surveys
522 - Florida Southeast Area Monitoring and Assessment Program (SEAMAP) - Reef Fish Surveys
304 - Florida State University Center for Ocean-Atmospheric Prediction Studies
5002 - Florida STORET / WIN
536 - Florida Wild Oyster Monitoring
466 - Florida's Strategic Monitoring Program for Total Maximum Daily Loads
10006 - Florida’s Coral Reef Unified Water Quality Monitoring Database
558 - Franklin County Coastal Waters Seagrass Monitoring
4036 - FWC compilation of WMD mangroves and salt marshes
3018 - FWC Seagrass
5059 - FWC-FWRI GIS Data Layers
5044 - FY 17/18 and FY 18/19 Large Coral Intervention
5043 - FY 17/18 and FY 18/19 Northern Fate Tracking, Molecular Investigation & Intervention
963 - Global Coral Reef Monitoring Network
3002 - GTMNERR Circulation and Flushing
5015 - GTMNERR Mangrove Monitoring
5014 - Guana River and Guana Lake Water Quality Monitoring
4054 - Guana Tolomato Matanzas National Estuarine Research Reserve System-Wide Monitoring Program
5048 - Guana Tolomato Matanzas NERR Bee Monitoring
5047 - Guana Tolomato Matanzas NERR Butterfly Monitoring
5052 - Guana Tolomato Matanzas NERR Crab Monitoring
4017 - Guana Tolomato Matanzas NERR Emergent Intertidal Vegetation Monitoring
5049 - Guana Tolomato Matanzas NERR Gopher Tortoise Monitoring
4055 - Guana Tolomato Matanzas NERR Monthly Water Quality Monitoring
3004 - Guana Tolomato Matanzas NERR Nekton monitoring
4000 - Guana Tolomato Matanzas NERR Oyster monitoring
5050 - Guana Tolomato Matanzas NERR Oyster Spat Monitoring
3003 - Guana Tolomato Matanzas NERR Plankton Monitoring
5051 - Guana Tolomato Matanzas NERR Shorebird Monitoring
4030 - Gulf of Mexico Data Atlas
32 - Gulf of Mexico States Shark Pupping and Nursery Area (GULFSPAN)
95 - Harmful Algal Bloom Marine Observation Network
5035 - Historical Oyster Body Size (HOBS) Study
4037 - ICWWG Review Program
991 - Impact of Ocean Warming and Acidification on Coral Growth
5005 - Indian River Lagoon Aquatic Preserves Continuous Water Quality Monitoring
5060 - Indian River Lagoon Continuous Water Quality Programs
4016 - Indian River Lagoon Oyster, Coastal Wetlands and Mangroves (MarineGEO site)
3014 - Indian River Lagoon Seagrass Mapping (SJRWMD, SFWMD)
4050 - Integrated Biscayne Bay Ecological Assessment and Monitoring
620 - Inventory and Monitoring Network Status and Trends
5053 - IRL Bird Monitoring
983 - Key West Coral Photo Monitoring Archive
3001 - Lagoon Watch (Formerly Marine Discovery Center)
3016 - Lake Worth Lagoon Seagrass Mapping Project
984 - Lower Florida Keys Patch Reef Study
3017 - Loxahatchee River District Bi-Monthly Seagrass Monitoring
10001 - Loxahatchee River District Landscape-Scale Seagrass Mapping Area
3011 - Loxahatchee River District Seagrass Surveys
4014 - Loxahatchee River Oyster Mapping and Recruitment
3029 - Mangrove Monitoring
907 - Mangrove Watch
56 - Marine Recreational Information Program (MRIP)
4018 - Miami-Dade County DERM Benthic Habitat Monitoring Program
979 - Naples Bay Seagrass Monitoring
118 - National Aquatic Resource Surveys, National Coastal Condition Assessment
996 - National Benthic Inventory Program
384 - National Coastal Mapping Program
3022 - National Coral Reef Monitoring Program (NCRMP)
5 - National Data Buoy Center
4031 - National Gap Analysis Program (GAP)
383 - National Lidar Surveys 3D Elevation Program
503 - National Ocean Database and World Ocean Atlas
119 - National Status and Trends Bioeffects program
102 - National Status and Trends Mussel Watch
7 - National Water Information System
962 - National Wetland Condition Assessment
71 - National Wetland Inventory
964 - Natural Resources Conservation Service National Resources Inventory - Water
5016 - NEAP Monthly Water Quality Monitoring
379 - Nonindigenous Aquatic Species Database
5027 - North Biscayne Bay Seagrass Loss Monitoring Program
5026 - North Biscayne Bay Seagrass Loss Water Quality Program
5006 - Northeast Aquatic Preserves Continuous Water Quality Monitoring
559 - Northern Big Bend Seagrass Monitoring
4015 - Northern Coastal Basin (NCB) Intercoastal Oysters (SJRWMD)
4027 - Northern Coastal Basin Intercoastal Oysters
5017 - Northern Coastal Basins and Mosquito Lagoon Oyster Condition Assessment
315 - Northern Gulf of Mexico Marine Protected Areas Surveys
5055 - Northwest Aquatic Preserves Living Shorelines Program
4065 - Northwest Florida Aquatic Preserve Seagrass Survey
4023 - Northwest Florida Water Management District (NWFWMD) Land Use Land Cover (LULC)
910 - NPS Coral Reef USGS EAARL LiDAR
930 - NPS Gulf Coast Inventory and Monitoring Program: Vegetation Community Mapping
908 - NPS Gulf Coast Inventory and Monitoring Program: Geomorphic Change Monitoring Protocol
909 - NPS Gulf Coast Inventory and Monitoring Program: Terrestrial Vegetation Monitoring
915 - NPS South Florida/Caribbean Inventory and Monitoring Network: Coral Reef Monitoring
912 - NPS South Florida/Caribbean Inventory and Monitoring Network: Coral Reef Water Temperature
911 - NPS South Florida/Caribbean Inventory and Monitoring Network: Seagrass
4044 - NRDA Oyster Cultch Recovery Project
21 - Oceansat-1
4013 - Oyster 2 (SCCF)
4003 - Oyster Beds in Florida
4020 - Oyster Integrated Mapping and Monitoring Program (OIMMP) Pilot Monitoring Data
456 - Oyster Sentinel
5071 - Oyster shell heights and taxonomic diversity in 2015-2017 among previously documented oiled and non-oiled reefs in Louisiana, Alabama, and the Florida panhandle
3024 - Palm Beach County Artificial and Natural Reef Monitoring Program
3021 - Pennekamp Coral Survey - Florida Park Service
505 - Pensacola Bay Water Quality Monitoring Program
553 - Pinellas County Ambient and Seagrass Monitoring Programs
96 - Pollution Control Red Tide Monitoring Program
136 - Population Status of Elkhorn Coral
4019 - Post-Hurricane Irma Rapid Assessment
4038 - post-Irma lidar data
5072 - Prehistoric baseline reveals substantial decline of oyster reef condition in a Gulf of Mexico conservation priority area - archaeological oyster data
5070 - Prehistoric baseline reveals substantial decline of oyster reef condition in a Gulf of Mexico conservation priority area - modern oyster data
5008 - Project COAST (Coastal Assessment Team) - Springs Coast Ecosystem Region
5054 - Project Green Shores
4043 - RBNERR Fish Assessment
3025 - REEF - Citizen Science
5034 - Reef Visual Census (RVC) 5 year Assessment of benthic habitat and fish populations
5007 - RESTORE Oyster Cultch Recovery
303 - River, Estuary and Coastal Observing Network
10000 - RiverKeeper
5038 - Rookery Bay Gopher Tortoise Program
572 - Rookery Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve Seagrass Monitoring
625 - Rookery Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve Shoreline Monitoring
626 - Rookery Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve Surface Elevation Monitoring
354 - Rookery Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve System-Wide Monitoring Program
5037 - Rookery Bay NERR Aerial Manatee Surveys
5031 - Rookery Bay NERR Beach Nesting Bird Monitoring
5056 - Rookery Bay NERR Nesting Wading Bird Surveys
5057 - Rookery Bay NERR Non-breeding Shorebird Monitoring
4045 - Rookery Bay Reserve Habitat Maps
971 - Sarasota Bay Oyster Habitat Restoration
567 - Sarasota Bay Seagrass Monitoring
973 - Sarasota County Bays and Creeks Field Oyster Habitat Mapping Project
972 - Sarasota County Comprehensive Oyster Monitoring Program
568 - Sarasota County Seagrass Monitoring
4012 - SCCF Oyster Restoration Monitoring
3015 - SCCF Seagrass Surveys
321 - Scripps Institution of Oceanography Wave Buoy
5045 - SE FL ECA Large Coral Inventory
9 - Sea-Viewing Wide Field-of-View Sensor (SeaWiFS)
3013 - Seagrass (SJRWMD)
5039 - SeaTurtle Nesting Surveys
642 - Sediment Elevation and Accumulation in Response to Hydrology, Vegetation, and Disturbance in Southwest Florida
509 - SERC Water Quality Monitoring Network
3019 - SFWMD Regional Seagrass Mapping
540 - Shellfish Harvest Area Classification Program
3012 - SJRWMD Macroalgae
965 - South Florida Seagrass Fish and Invertebrate Assessment Network
5068 - South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) Land Use Land Cover (LULC)
60 - Southeast Area Monitoring and Assessment Program (SEAMAP) - Gulf of Mexico Fall & Summer Shrimp/Groundfish Survey
62 - Southeast Area Monitoring and Assessment Program (SEAMAP) - Gulf of Mexico Reef Fish Survey
5058 - Southeast Florida Coral Reef Initiative (SEFCRI) Water Quality Monitoring Report
5033 - Southeast Florida Water Quality Assessment Survey
4032 - Southeast Gap Analysis Project
561 - Southern Big Bend Region Seagrass Monitoring
92 - Southwest Florida Red Tide Program
3030 - Southwest Florida Water Management District (SWFWMD) Land Use Land Cover (LULC)
480 - Southwest Florida Water Management District - Stream Water Quality Network -Coastal Rivers and Kings Bay Monitoring Programs
479 - Southwest Florida Water Management District - Water Quality Monitoring
566 - Southwest Florida Water Management District SWIM Program Seagrass Mapping
3027 - Species Monitoring
4048 - Springs Coast Seagrass Monitoring
556 - St. Andrew Bay Aquatic Preserve Seagrass Monitoring
511 - St. Andrew Baywatch Program
470 - St. Andrews Aquatic Preserve Water Quality Monitoring
978 - St. Andrews Bay Prop Scar Monitoring
5069 - St. Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD) Land Use Land Cover (LULC)
5061 - St. Johns River Water Management District Continuous Water Quality Programs
5036 - STORET/WIN Water Quality Samples Collected by RCP Staff
4025 - Suwannee Estuary Oyster Habitat Mapping Project
4024 - Suwannee River Water Management District (SRWMD) Land Use Land Cover (LULC)
477 - Suwannee River Water Management District Water Resource Monitoring Program
5020 - Tampa Bay Aquatic Preserves Spoil Island Restoration
4067 - Tampa Bay Benthic Monitoring
906 - Tampa Bay Critical Coastal Habitat Assessment
974 - Tampa Bay Oyster Mapping and Assessment
4002 - Tampa Bay Restoration
565 - Tampa Bay Seagrass Monitoring
630 - Tampa Bay Surface Elevation Monitoring
20 - Television Infrared Observation Satellite Program
573 - Ten-thousand Islands Seagrass Monitoring
5019 - Terra Ceia Aquatic Preserve Benthic Monitoring
473 - Terra Ceia Aquatic Preserve Continuous Water Quality Monitoring
5018 - Terra Ceia Aquatic Preserve Fish Monitoring
5076 - TEST-USF-Water Institute
4049 - The South Florida Fisheries Habitat Assessment Program (FHAP)
10003 - Tomoka Marsh Aquatic Preserve Continuous Water Quality Monitoring
4069 - UF Oyster area change over time study
4068 - UF Oyster Restoration Monitoring in Big Bend AP
4041 - Unified Reef Maps
643 - University of Louisiana Coastal Plant Ecology Program
504 - University of West Florida Gulf of Mexico CTD Profile Program
1001 - USFWS SE Inventory and Monitoring: Key Deer NWR Sea Level and Vegetation Response
1002 - USFWS SE Inventory and Monitoring: Pinellas NWR Oyster Bank Restoration Project
899 - USGS Coral Reef Ecosystem Studies (CREST) Project
45 - Vessel Monitoring System - Reef Fish
10005 - Water Management District LULC Coastal Wetlands (SJRWMD, SFWMD, SWFWMD, SRWMD, NWFWMD)
5001 - Water Quality Monitoring Project For Demonstration Of Canal Remediation Methods Florida Keys
986 - Water Temperature on Coral Reefs in the Florida Keys
5064 - Wekiva River Aquatic Preserves Lyngbya wollei Monitoring
5065 - Wekiva River Aquatic Preserves Quarterly Bird Surveys
564 - Western Pinellas County Seagrass Monitoring
4033 - Wetland Status and Trends
467 - Yellow River Marsh Aquatic Preserve Continuous Water Quality Monitoring
10007 - Florida Keys Aquatic Preserves Seagrass Monitoring