ID | Program Name | Region | Method | Parameters | Start Year | End Year | Frequency | Managing Entity | Habitats | Indicators | Managed Area | |
2 | Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory (AOML) South Florida Program Moored Instrument Array | SE | moored instrument array | Temperature (C), salinity (PSU), conductivity (S/m), ocean currents | 1995 | 2012 | Variable | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA); Atlantic Oceanographic and Meterological Laboratory | Water Column | WaterCol - Water Quality | Florida Keys NMS | View |
3 | Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory (AOML) South Florida Program Synoptic Shipboard Surveys | SE, SW | shipboard survey using debubbled underway water sampling system and discrete sampling, CTD and TSG equipment, surface net tows, hull-mounted accoustic doppler current profiler | Temperature, depth, salinity, conductivity, chlorophyll a, phaeophytin, chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM), ammonium, soluble reactive phosphate, nitrate + nitrite, nitrate, nitrite, silicate, total suspended solids (mg/L) | 1995 | Current | Variable | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA); Atlantic Oceanographic and Meterological Laboratory | Water Column | WaterCol - Water Clarity, WaterCol - Water Quality, WaterCol - Nutrients | Rookery Bay NERR, Florida Keys NMS, Pinellas County, Cape Romano-Ten Thousand Islands, Coral ECA, Gasparilla Sound-Charlotte Harbor, Biscayne Bay, Biscayne Bay-Cape Florida to Monroe County Line, Lignumvitae Key | View |
5 | National Data Buoy Center | SE | moored buoys, coastal-marine automated network (C-MAN) stations, acoustic doppler current profiler | Wind direction (deg), wind speed (m/s), wind gust (m/s), significant wave height (m), dominant wave period (sec.), average wave period (sec.), mean wave direction (degrees), sea level pressure (hPa), air temperature (degC), sea surface temperature (degC), dew point temperature (degC), visibility (naut. mi.), pressure tendency (hPa), and tide (rel. to MLLW, feet). Not all buoys collect all parameters. | 1967 | Current | Continuous | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA); National Data Buoy Center | Water Column | WaterCol - Water Quality | Apalachicola NERR, Pinellas County, Florida Keys NMS, Coral ECA, Rookery Bay NERR, Guana Tolomato Matanzas NERR | View |
7 | National Water Information System | NE, NW, SE, SW | Internal-logging monitoring systems, in-situ monitoring systems, and flow-through monitoring systems | Water flow rates, water levels in streams, lakes, wells, chemical and physical and water use; temperature (deg. C), salinity (ppt), specific conductance (uS/cm), dissolved oxygen (mg/L), NO2 + NO3 (mg/L) | Varies | Current | Continuous | U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) | Water Column | WaterCol - Water Quality, WaterCol - Nutrients, WaterCol - Water Clarity | Cockroach Bay, North Fork St. Lucie, Guana River Marsh, Pine Island Sound, Rookery Bay NERR, Big Bend Seagrasses, Yellow River Marsh, Cape Haze, Lignumvitae Key, Florida Keys NMS, Rookery Bay, Coral ECA, St. Joseph Buffer, Indian River-Malabar to Vero Beach, Rocky Bayou, Matlacha Pass, Biscayne Bay, Nassau River-St. Johns River Marshes, Apalachicola NERR, Apalachicola Bay, Guana Tolomato Matanzas NERR, Cape Romano-Ten Thousand Islands, Loxahatchee River-Lake Worth Creek, Boca Ciega Bay, Nature Coast, Pinellas County, Terra Ceia, St. Joseph Bay, Banana River, St. Martins Marsh, Gasparilla Sound-Charlotte Harbor, Jensen Beach to Jupiter Inlet, Estero Bay | View |
60 | Southeast Area Monitoring and Assessment Program (SEAMAP) - Gulf of Mexico Fall & Summer Shrimp/Groundfish Survey | NW, SE, SW | trawl (42 ft), bongo, neuston and plankton nets | Demersal organism, eggs/larvae of commercially and recreationally important species, abundance, distribution, major finfish and shrimp species length-frequency measurements, environmental data; secchi depth (m), chlorophyll (mg/m^3), temperature (deg. C), dissolved oxygen (ppm), salinity (ppt), turbidity (%) | 1981 | Current | Annual | Gulf States Marine Fisheries Commission | Water Column | WaterCol - Water Quality, WaterCol - Additional Indicators, WaterCol - Nekton, WaterCol - Water Clarity | Nature Coast, Pinellas County, Big Bend Seagrasses, Nassau River-St. Johns River Marshes, Florida Keys NMS, St. Joseph Bay, Coral ECA, Guana Tolomato Matanzas NERR, Guana River Marsh | View |
62 | Southeast Area Monitoring and Assessment Program (SEAMAP) - Gulf of Mexico Reef Fish Survey | NW, SE, SW | video stereo cameras, chevron fish trap | Relative abundance, population estimates of reef fish, length frequencies, aging; depth (m), secchi depth (m), chlorophyll (mg/m^3), temperature (deg. C), dissolved oxygen (ppm), salinity (ppt), turbidity (%) | 1992 | Current | Annual | Gulf States Marine Fisheries Commission | Water Column, Coral/Coral Reef | WaterCol - Water Quality, Coral - Additional Indicators, Coral - Grazers and Reef Dependent Species, Coral - Community Composition, WaterCol - Nekton, WaterCol - Water Clarity | Florida Keys NMS | View |
69 | Fisheries-Independent Monitoring (FIM) Program | NE, NW, SE, SW | stratified-random sampling by habitat, seines (21.3 m and 183 m), otter trawls (6.1 m), visual surveys (Florida Keys) at fixed (1987-1996) and stratified-random (1989 to present) stations 0-8 m | nekton - Species, size, sex, numbers of fish and select macroinvertebrates caught, temperature (deg. C), dissolved oxygen (mg/L), salinity, pH, conductivity (uS/cm), habitat descriptors (type and quantity of submerged and shoreline vegetation, presence of seawalls or oyster beds), randomly measure and count species subset, type, amount, and ratio of bycatch, tissue samples, gut content analysis, latitude, longitude, weather, tide, secchi depth (m), depth | 1989 | Current | Monthly | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) | Water Column | WaterCol - Nekton, WaterCol - Water Clarity, WaterCol - Additional Indicators, WaterCol - Water Quality | Coupon Bight, Mosquito Lagoon, Nature Coast, Rookery Bay, Coral ECA, St. Joseph Bay, Estero Bay, St. Andrews, Cape Haze, Guana River Marsh, Tomoka Marsh, Jensen Beach to Jupiter Inlet, Yellow River Marsh, Loxahatchee River-Lake Worth Creek, Banana River, Boca Ciega Bay, Lemon Bay, Pine Island Sound, Apalachicola Bay, Fort Clinch, Alligator Harbor, Terra Ceia, Big Bend Seagrasses, Indian River-Malabar to Vero Beach, Cockroach Bay, Pinellas County, Florida Keys NMS, Nassau River-St. Johns River Marshes, Fort Pickens, Apalachicola NERR, Rookery Bay NERR, Indian River-Vero Beach to Ft. Pierce, Guana Tolomato Matanzas NERR, Matlacha Pass, Rocky Bayou, St. Martins Marsh, Gasparilla Sound-Charlotte Harbor, St. Joseph Buffer, North Fork St. Lucie, Lignumvitae Key | View |
95 | Harmful Algal Bloom Marine Observation Network | NW, NE, SW, SE | monitoring and event response (MERHAB) autonomous research vessel (MARVIN; in-situ surface and bottom sampling), fixed single box plaforms, instrument arrays, 3 MARVINs used in opportunitsitic event response | Salinity, temperature (deg. C), chlorophyll (RFU, mg/L) and phycocyanin fluorescence (indicators of algal biomass), pH, turbidity (NTU), dissolved oxygen (%, mg/L), nitrogen concentrations, current speed and direction, wind speed and direction above surface, Karenia brevis (cells/L), depth (m), specific conductance (uS/cm, uMhos/cm) | 2000 | Current | Variable | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC); Florida Fish and Wildlife Research Institute (FWRI) | Water Column | WaterCol - Water Clarity, WaterCol - Additional Indicators, WaterCol - Water Quality | Terra Ceia, Cape Romano-Ten Thousand Islands, Big Bend Seagrasses, Alligator Harbor, Apalachicola NERR, Nature Coast, Yellow River Marsh, North Fork St. Lucie, Florida Keys NMS, St. Martins Marsh, Cockroach Bay, Nassau River-St. Johns River Marshes, St. Joseph Bay, Jensen Beach to Jupiter Inlet, Pinellas County, Indian River-Malabar to Vero Beach, Pine Island Sound, Lignumvitae Key, Matlacha Pass, Fort Pickens, Biscayne Bay-Cape Florida to Monroe County Line, Estero Bay, Mosquito Lagoon, Coupon Bight, Lemon Bay, Boca Ciega Bay, Biscayne Bay, Guana River Marsh, Rookery Bay NERR, Pellicer Creek, Indian River-Vero Beach to Ft. Pierce, Guana Tolomato Matanzas NERR, Apalachicola Bay, Coral ECA, Cape Haze, St. Andrews, Loxahatchee River-Lake Worth Creek, Fort Clinch, Tomoka Marsh, Banana River, Gasparilla Sound-Charlotte Harbor, Rookery Bay, St. Joseph Buffer | View |
102 | National Status and Trends Mussel Watch | NW, NE, SW, SE | About 8 oyster specimens selected for histopathology to be 7-10cm in shell height; whole specimens, sediment cores, sediment and bivalve tissue chemistry, bivalve histology | Organic and inorganic contaminants (n=140), Clostridium perfringens (pathogen) concentrations, oyster body size (cm) is included in the oyster histopathology analyses, depth (m), temperature (C), salinity (ppt), specific conductance (uohms), dissolved oxygen (mg/L, %) | 1986 | Current | Annual | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA); Center for Coastal Monitoring and Assessment | Oyster/Oyster Reef, Water Column | Oysters - Size Class, WaterCol - Water Quality | Gasparilla Sound-Charlotte Harbor, Cockroach Bay, Yellow River Marsh, Coral ECA, Apalachicola NERR, Terra Ceia, Boca Ciega Bay, Pinellas County, Cape Romano-Ten Thousand Islands, Big Bend Seagrasses, Indian River-Malabar to Vero Beach, Florida Keys NMS, Rookery Bay NERR, Rocky Bayou, Apalachicola Bay, Guana Tolomato Matanzas NERR, Biscayne Bay | View |
103 | EPA STOrage and RETrieval Data Warehouse (STORET)/WQX | NW, SE, SW | various sampling and analytical methods | Parameters vary depending on the program, but can include: Alkalinity (mg/L, ueq/L), aluminum (mg/L), ammonia-nitrogen as N (mg/L, ueq/L), ammonium (mg/L, ueq/L), anion deficit (ueq/L), apparent color (pt), arsenic (mg/L, ug/L), barium (mg/L), beryllium (mg/L), bicarbonate (ueq/L), bromacil (ug/L), calcium (mg/L, ug/L, ueq/L), carbon (mg/L), carbonate (ueq/L), chloride (mg/L, ueq/L), chlorophyll a (mg/L, ug/L), conductivity (mS/cm, umho/cm, uS/cm), copper (mg/L, ug/L), depth (m), secchi depth (m), dissolved oxygen (mg/L, ppm), diuron (ug/L), enterococcus (cfu/100mL), fecal coliform (cfu/100mL), fluoride (mg/L), gran acid neutralizing capacity (ueq/L), hardness (Ca, Mg, carbonate; mg/L), hydrogen (ueq/L), hydroxide (ueq/L), inorganic carbon (mg/L), inorganic nitrogen (NO2 + NO3 and NH4; mg/L), ionic strength (m), iron (mg/L, ug/L), kjeldahl nitrogen (mg/L), lead (mg/L, ug/L), PAR (uE/m2/sec), light transmissivity (%), magnesium (mg/L, ueq/L), manganese (mg/L), mercury (mg/L, ug/L), nickel (mg/L), nitrate (mg/L, ueq/L), nitrite (mg/L), nitrogen (mg/L, ug/L), nutrient-nitrogen (mg/L), organic anions (ueq/L), organic carbon (mg/L), organic nitrogen (mg/L), organic phosphorus (mg/L), orthophosphate (mg/L, ug/L), pH, pheophytin a (mg/L, ug/L), phosphate (mg/L, ug/L), phosphorus (mg/L, ug/L), particulate organic phosphorus (mg/L), potassium (mg/L, ueq/L), salinity (ppt), selenium (ug/L), silica (mg/L, ug/L), silicate (mg/L), sodium (mg/L, ueq/L), specific conductance (umho/cm), sulfate (ueq/L), sum of anions (ueq/L), sum of cations (ueq/L), tannin and lignin (mg/L), temperature (deg. C, deg. F), total coliform (cfu/100mL), total hardness (mg/L), total particulate nitrogen (mg/L), total solids (mg/L), total suspended solids (mg/L), transparency (m), true color (PCU), turbidity (NTU), zinc (mg/L, ug/L) | early 1960's | Current | Variable | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) | Water Column | WaterCol - Water Quality, WaterCol - Water Clarity, WaterCol - Additional Indicators, WaterCol - Nutrients | St. Joseph Buffer, Indian River-Vero Beach to Ft. Pierce, Nassau River-St. Johns River Marshes, Guana River Marsh, Mosquito Lagoon, Loxahatchee River-Lake Worth Creek, Lemon Bay, Biscayne Bay-Cape Florida to Monroe County Line, St. Martins Marsh, Guana Tolomato Matanzas NERR, Lignumvitae Key, Pinellas County, Cape Romano-Ten Thousand Islands, Pellicer Creek, Rookery Bay NERR, Rookery Bay, Cockroach Bay, Apalachicola NERR, Coupon Bight, Jensen Beach to Jupiter Inlet, Florida Keys NMS, Matlacha Pass, Tomoka Marsh, Fort Pickens, St. Andrews, Fort Clinch, Estero Bay, Yellow River Marsh, Big Bend Seagrasses, Banana River, Boca Ciega Bay, North Fork St. Lucie, Indian River-Malabar to Vero Beach, Alligator Harbor, St. Joseph Bay, Rocky Bayou, Biscayne Bay, Pine Island Sound, Terra Ceia, Apalachicola Bay, Nature Coast, Gasparilla Sound-Charlotte Harbor, Cape Haze, Coral ECA | View |
115 | Environmental Monitoring Assessment Program | NE, NW, SE, SW | probabilistic sampling design to select sites with specific characteristics, grab samples (sediments and water), trawls | Water column ambient PAR (uE/m^2/s), ammonium (mg/L), chlorophyll a (ug/L), dissolved oxygen (mg/L), pH, particulate nitrogen (mg/L), particulate phosphorus (mg/L), total dissolved nitrogen (mg/L), total dissolved phosphorus (mg/L), dissolved organic nitrogen (mg/L), dissolved organic phosphorus (mg/L), density (kg/m**3), nitrate and nitrite (mg/L), orthophosphate (mg/L), silicate (mg/L), specific conductance (mS/cm at 25C), salinity (ppt), secchi depth (m), temperature (deg. C), total nitrogen (mg/L), total phosphorous (mg/L), total suspended solids, transmissivity (%), water column PAR (mE/sec/m^2), sediment taxa total count, infaunal total count, epifaunal total count, total abundance, biomass, diversity (H'), nekton species and abundance, nekton length (mean and sd), mean silt/clay, mean moisture, mean grab penetration depth, sediment AVS, butyl tin, DDT, metals, non-chlorinated pesticide, PAH, PCB, pesticide, trawl total number of taxa, total abundance, gear type, tissue chemistry analytes | 1990 | 2006 | Variable | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA); Office of Research and Development | Water Column | WaterCol - Nutrients, WaterCol - Nekton, WaterCol - Water Clarity, WaterCol - Water Quality | Yellow River Marsh, Banana River, Apalachicola NERR, Fort Clinch, Nassau River-St. Johns River Marshes, Estero Bay, St. Martins Marsh, Nature Coast, St. Andrews, Lignumvitae Key, Boca Ciega Bay, Florida Keys NMS, Big Bend Seagrasses, Apalachicola Bay, Pine Island Sound, Gasparilla Sound-Charlotte Harbor, Guana Tolomato Matanzas NERR, Matlacha Pass, Jensen Beach to Jupiter Inlet, Biscayne Bay, Guana River Marsh, St. Joseph Bay, Indian River-Vero Beach to Ft. Pierce, Pinellas County, Indian River-Malabar to Vero Beach, Fort Pickens | View |
118 | National Aquatic Resource Surveys, National Coastal Condition Assessment | NE, NW, SE, SW | probabilistic sampling using a generalized random tessellation stratified design, sites drawn randomly for each survey every five years, photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) meter, sediment grab samples, visual habitat assessment, fish collection (various methods) | Water column dissolved inorganic nitrogen (mg/L), dissolved inorganic phosphorus (mg/L), chlorophyll a (ug/L), water clarity (light transmissivity, % at 1m), dissolved oxygen (mg/L), sediment toxicity, sediment contaminants, and sediment total organic carbon, benthic community diversity, abundance of pollution-tolerant and pollution-sensitive species, estuarine and marine intertidal wetlands, fish tissue contaminants | 1999 | Current | Periodic | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA); Office of Water; National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA); U.S. Geological Survey (USGS); U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS); National Estuary Program (NEP); coastal states | Water Column | WaterCol - Nutrients, WaterCol - Additional Indicators, WaterCol - Water Clarity, WaterCol - Water Quality | Guana Tolomato Matanzas NERR, Banana River, St. Martins Marsh, Florida Keys NMS, Lignumvitae Key, Nassau River-St. Johns River Marshes, Matlacha Pass, Nature Coast, Jensen Beach to Jupiter Inlet, North Fork St. Lucie, Coral ECA, Cockroach Bay, Indian River-Malabar to Vero Beach, St. Joseph Bay, Coupon Bight, Fort Clinch, Big Bend Seagrasses, Apalachicola NERR, Mosquito Lagoon, Yellow River Marsh, Boca Ciega Bay, St. Andrews, Indian River-Vero Beach to Ft. Pierce, Biscayne Bay, Lemon Bay, Gasparilla Sound-Charlotte Harbor, Pine Island Sound, Guana River Marsh, Pinellas County, Terra Ceia, Rookery Bay NERR, Apalachicola Bay, Fort Pickens, Cape Romano-Ten Thousand Islands | View |
119 | National Status and Trends Bioeffects program | NW, SW | stratified-random sampling, kynar-coated 0.1 m2 young modified van veen grab sampler (upper 2-3 cm of sediment), 413 cm2 young modified van veen grab grab sampler for benthic community analysis | Chemical contaminants (>100). See source documents for details. Depth (m), dissolved oxygen (mg/L), specific conductance (uohms), salinity (ppt), temperature (deg. C) | 1986 | Current | One-time | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA); National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science's Center for Coastal Monitoring and Assessment | Water Column | WaterCol - Water Quality | Coral ECA, Apalachicola Bay, Gasparilla Sound-Charlotte Harbor, Jensen Beach to Jupiter Inlet, Rocky Bayou, Loxahatchee River-Lake Worth Creek, Apalachicola NERR, Biscayne Bay, Pinellas County, North Fork St. Lucie, Florida Keys NMS, Yellow River Marsh, Terra Ceia, Boca Ciega Bay | View |
129 | Apalachicola National Estuarine Research Reserve Juvenile Fish and Benthic Macroinvertebrate Monitoring | NW | modified trawl shrimp nets (5 tows at each site for 2 min), species identification (first 20 species; n=12 sites) | Species identification, counts, sex and size (mm) of juvenile and post larval fish and macroinvertebrates (shrimps, crabs, demersal, mud crabs, grass shrimp, squid), water quality parameters - depth (m), secchi depth (m), dissolved oxygen (%, mg/L), temperature (deg. C), salinity (ppt), pH, turbidity | 2000 | Current | Monthly | Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP); Office of Resilience and Coastal Protection (RCP); Apalachicola National Estuarine Research Reserve | Water Column | WaterCol - Water Clarity, WaterCol - Nekton, WaterCol - Water Quality | Apalachicola NERR, Apalachicola Bay | View |
136 | Population Status of Elkhorn Coral | SE | permanent study plots, underwater mapping | Elkhorn coral counts, size, recruitment, mortality, condition assessments, disease, percent live | 2004 | Current | Annual | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA); Southeast Fisheries Science Center | Coral/Coral Reef | Coral - Community Composition, Coral - Additional Indicators | Florida Keys NMS, Coupon Bight | View |
169 | Abundance, Distribution, and Condition of Acropora Corals, Other Benthic Coral Reef Organisms, and Marine Debris (SCREAM) | SE | benthic surveys along 15 m transects | Density, size, and condition of Acropora corals, urchins, anemones, corallimorpharians, mollusks, marine debris abundance and impacts | 1998 | 2012 | Annual | Center for Marine Science; University of North Carolina at Wilmington | Coral/Coral Reef | Coral - Additional Indicators, Coral - Community Composition | Florida Keys NMS, Coupon Bight | View |
295 | Florida Keys and Southeast Florida Coral Reef Evaluation and Monitoring Project (CREMP/SECREMP) | SE | underwater videography along fixed transects, timed coral species inventories, stratified, or layered, random sampling, data loggers secured at reef surface, underwater mapping, still photographs, collection of coral tissue and mucus samples (M. annularis colonies affected with black band disease) | Percent cover of stony corals, octocorals, sponges, and macroalgae, stony coral counts by species, mean coral species richness, stony coral conditions, long-spined sea urchins (Diadema antillarum) counts, clionid sponge surface area, bottom temperature, Acropora palmata size, morphology, structure, positioning, Montastrea annularis percent of living tissue, number of discrete living areas, presence and coverage of bleaching, disease conditions, Xestopongia muta (barrel sponge) location, volume, disease, bleaching | 1996 | Current | Annual | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC); Florida Wildlife Research Institute (FWRI); Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP); Office of Resilience and Coastal Protection (RCP); Coral Reef Conservation Program | Coral/Coral Reef | Coral - Grazers and Reef Dependent Species, Coral - Percent Cover, Coral - Additional Indicators, Coral - Community Composition | Biscayne Bay-Cape Florida to Monroe County Line, Florida Keys NMS, Coral ECA | View |
296 | Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary Seagrass Monitoring Project | SE | Fixed transect - (10) random .25m^2 quadrats http://seagrass.fiu.edu/data.htm. Data is reported at the transect level, the BB score is an average of all quadrats along the transect. | Current: Percent cover (braun-blanquet), density, seagrass nutrient availability (C:N:P), seagrass carbon stable isotopes, seagrass nitrogen stable isotopes, water clarity, salinity, temperature, light attenuation, sediment characterization, seagrass morphometrics, epiphyte load No longer current: leaf scarring, growth. Temperature data from data loggers at near-bottom (relative depth = "Bottom"), 25-50cm off the bottom (near the height of the seagrass canopy). | 1995 | Current | Semiannual | Florida International University; National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA); National Marine Sanctuaries Program | Water Column, Submerged Aquatic Vegetation | WaterCol - Water Quality, SAV - Additional Indicators, SAV - Percent Cover | Florida Keys NMS | View |
297 | Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary Water Quality Monitoring Project | SE | field measurements, grab samples, CTD casts (n=150 site) | Surface and bottom dissolved oxygen (%, mg/L), temperature (deg. C), salinity (psu), relative fluorescence, light attenuation, nitrate, nitrite, ammonium, soluble reactive phosphorus, total nitrogen, total organic carbon, total phosphorous, turbidity (NTU), chlorophyll a (ug/L), pH | 1995 | Current | Quarterly | Florida International University (FIU) | Water Column | WaterCol - Water Quality, WaterCol - Water Clarity, WaterCol - Nutrients | Coupon Bight, Florida Keys NMS | View |
303 | River, Estuary and Coastal Observing Network | NW | network of optical water quality sensors; water samples at various locations and dates | Water temperature, turbidity, salinity, dissolved oxygen, chlorophyll, air pressure, depth, conductivity, nitrate. Water samples in WIN from various locations include: Dissolved Oxygen, Dissolved Oxygen Saturation, Nitrate-Nitrite (N), Chlorophyll a- corrected, Turbidity, Ammonia (N), Nitrogen- Total, Nitrogen- Total Kjeldahl, Temperature, Water, Depth, Secchi Disk Depth, pH, Salinity, Orthophosphate (P), Phosphorus- Total | 2007 | Current | Variable | Sanibel-Captiva Conservation Foundation (SCCF) | Water Column | WaterCol - Additional Indicators | Pine Island Sound, Rookery Bay NERR, Rookery Bay, Matlacha Pass, Estero Bay | View |
354 | Rookery Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve System-Wide Monitoring Program | SW | water quality stations, weather stations | Continuous: Temperature, conductivity, salinity, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, pH. Monthly: orthophosphate, ammonium, nitrate, nitrite, chlorophyll a | 1996 | Current | Continuous | Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP); Office of Resilience and Coastal Protection (RCP); Rookery Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve | Water Column | WaterCol - Water Clarity, WaterCol - Nutrients, WaterCol - Water Quality | Cape Romano-Ten Thousand Islands, Rookery Bay NERR, Rookery Bay | View |
355 | Apalachicola National Estuarine Research Reserve System-Wide Monitoring Program | NW | water quality stations, weather stations | Continuous: Temperature (deg. C), conductivity, salinity (ppt), dissolved oxygen (mg/L), turbidity (mg/L), pH, Monthly: Orthophosphate (mg/L), ammonium (mg/L), nitrate and nitrite (mg/L), chlorophyll a (mg/L), depth (m), total suspended solids (mg/L), total nitrogen (mg/L), pheophytin (ug/L) | 1995 | Current | Continuous | Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP); Office of Resilience and Coastal Protection (RCP); Apalachicola National Estuarine Research Reserve | Water Column | WaterCol - Nutrients, WaterCol - Water Clarity, WaterCol - Water Quality | Apalachicola Bay, Apalachicola NERR | View |
456 | Oyster Sentinel | NW, SW | Water temperature (T) and salinity (S) are collected above the oyster reef at the time of the collection. (Either mercury thermometers or YSI T/S meters used for the collection of T and refractometers or YSI T/S meters used for the determination of S.) Attempts made to collect at least 10 oysters < 75mm and 10 oysters > 75 mm. Length measured to the nearest mm. | Juvenile and adult oyster percent infection, intensity and weighted prevalence of dermo infection; water temperature (deg. C); salinity (ppt); oyster body size (mm) | 1970 | 2016 | Periodic | Oyster Sentinel | Water Column, Oyster/Oyster Reef | WaterCol - Water Quality, Oysters - Size Class | Apalachicola NERR, Apalachicola Bay, Pine Island Sound | View |
467 | Yellow River Marsh Aquatic Preserve Continuous Water Quality Monitoring | NW | 15-minute data collections at fixed stations using YSI EXO-2 data sondes | water temperature (°C), specific conductivity (mS/cm), salinity (psu), dissolved oxygen (%), dissolved oxygen (mg/L), depth (m), pH and turbidity (NTU) | 2015 | Current | Continuous | Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP); Office of Resilience and Coastal Protection (RCP); Northwest Florida Aquatic Preserves | Water Column | WaterCol - Water Quality, WaterCol - Water Clarity | Yellow River Marsh, Fort Pickens | View |
468 | Central Panhandle Aquatic Preserves Continuous Water Quality Monitoring | NW | 15-minute data collections at fixed stations using YSI 6600 data sondes, in situ, grab samples, weather station | water temperature (°C), specific conductivity (mS/cm), salinity (psu), dissolved oxygen (%), dissolved oxygen (mg/L), depth (m), pH, turbidity (NTU), and water level (m). | 2005 | Current | Continuous | Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP); Office of Resilience and Coastal Protection (RCP); Central Panhandle Aquatic Preserves | Water Column | WaterCol - Water Quality, WaterCol - Water Clarity | St. Joseph Bay, Alligator Harbor | View |
469 | Central Panhandle Aquatic Preserve WQ Monitoring | NW | YSI | depth (m), wind direction, wind speed, tide, water temperature (°C), dissolved oxygen (mg/L), SPC, salinity (ppt), pH, secchi depth (feet) | 2016 | Current | Monthly | Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP); Office of Resilience and Coastal Protection (RCP); Central Panhandle Aquatic Preserves | Water Column | WaterCol - Water Quality, WaterCol - Water Clarity | Alligator Harbor, St. Joseph Bay | View |
470 | St. Andrews Aquatic Preserve Water Quality Monitoring | NW | Grab samples, secchi disk | Alkalinity (carbonate as CaCO3, mg/L), apparent color (PCU), biochemical oxygen demand (mg/L), chlorophyll a (corrected and uncorrected, ug/L), chlorophyll/pheophytin ratio, cloud cover (%), depth (ft, m), dissolved oxygen (%, mg/L), Enterococcus group bacteria (cfu/100mL, #/100mL), fecal coliform (cfu/100mL, #/100mL), fluorides (mg/L), nitrogen (ammonia, mg/L), , NH4 Filtered_mg/L, nitrogen (kjeldahl, mg/L), nitrogen (NO2 + NO3, mg/L), pH, pheophytin a (ug/L), phosphorus (mg/L), orthophosphate (mg/L), precipitation (in), salinity (ppt), secchi depth (ft, m), specific conductance (umho/cm), air temperature (deg. C), water temperature (deg. C), total organic carbon (mg/L), total suspended solids (mg/L), true color (PCU), turbidity (NTU), wave height (in), wind direction (deg.), wind velocity (mph, knots), biotoxins (brevitoxin and domoic acid) | 2007 | Current | Monthly | Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP); Office of Resilience and Coastal Protection (RCP); Central Panhandle Aquatic Preserves | Water Column | WaterCol - Nutrients, WaterCol - Additional Indicators, WaterCol - Water Clarity, WaterCol - Water Quality | St. Joseph Bay, St. Andrews | View |
471 | Big Bend Seagrasses Aquatic Preserves Continuous Water Quality Monitoring | NW | 15-minute data collections at fixed stations using YSI 6600 data sondes with a recent transition to EXO2's and EXO3's in 2019 and 2020 | water temperature (°C), specific conductivity (mS/cm), salinity (psu), dissolved oxygen (%), dissolved oxygen (mg/L), depth (m), pH, turbidity (NTU-6600, FNU-EXO), and chlorophyll data available upon request (RFU and ug/L at BBSST only) | 2004 | Current | Continuous | Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP); Office of Resilience and Coastal Protection (RCP); Big Bend Seagrasses Aquatic Preserves | Water Column | WaterCol - Water Quality, WaterCol - Water Clarity | St. Martins Marsh, Nature Coast, Big Bend Seagrasses | View |
473 | Terra Ceia Aquatic Preserve Continuous Water Quality Monitoring | SW | 15-minute data collections at fixed stations using YSI 6600 data sondes | water temperature (°C), specific conductivity (mS/cm), salinity (psu), dissolved oxygen (%), dissolved oxygen (mg/L), depth (m), pH and turbidity (NTU) | 2004 | 2011 | Continuous | Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP); Office of Resilience and Coastal Protection (RCP); Tampa Bay Aquatic Preserves; University of South Florida | Water Column | WaterCol - Water Quality, WaterCol - Water Clarity | Terra Ceia | View |
474 | Estero Bay Aquatic Preserve Continuous Water Quality Monitoring | SW | 15-minute data collections at fixed stations using YSI 6600 data sondes with a recent transition to EXO2's and EXO3's in 2017 and 2018 | water temperature (°C), specific conductivity (mS/cm), salinity (psu), dissolved oxygen (%), dissolved oxygen (mg/L), depth (m), pH and turbidity (NTU-6600, FNU-EXO) | 2004 | Current | Continuous | Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP); Office of Resilience and Coastal Protection (RCP); Estero Bay Aquatic Preserve | Water Column | WaterCol - Water Quality, WaterCol - Water Clarity | Estero Bay | View |
476 | Charlotte Harbor Estuaries Volunteer Water Quality Monitoring Network | SW | grab samples, Hana and YSI ProPlus instruments (n=46 fixed sites) | Depth (m), apparent color (PCU), chlorophyll a (corrected and uncorrected, ug/L), chlorophyll/pheophytin ratio, dissolved oxygen (%, mg/L), bacteria (fecal coliform cfu/100mL, #/100mL; Enterococcus and E. coli), nitrogen (ammonium, mg/L), nitrogen (kjeldahl, mg/L), nitrogen (NO2 + NO3, mg/L), pH, pheophytin-a (ug/L), phosphorus (mg/L), salinity (ppt), secchi depth (m), specific conductance (mS/cm), air temperature (deg. C), water temperature (deg. C), true color (PCU), turbidity (NTU), total nitrogen (mg/L), total phosphorus (mg/L), tide, weather data | 1996 | Current | Monthly | Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP); Office of Resilience and Coastal Protection (RCP); Charlotte Harbor Aquatic Preserves | Water Column | WaterCol - Nutrients, WaterCol - Additional Indicators, WaterCol - Water Clarity, WaterCol - Water Quality | Lemon Bay, Pine Island Sound, Estero Bay, Matlacha Pass, Cape Haze, Gasparilla Sound-Charlotte Harbor | View |
477 | Suwannee River Water Management District Water Resource Monitoring Program | NW | grab samples | Total alkalinity (total hydroxide + carbonate + bicarbonate, mg/L), aluminum (ug/L), antimony (ug/L), arsenic (mg/L, ug/L), barium (ug/L), beryllium (ug/L), periphyton biomass (mg/m^2), biochemical oxygen demand (mg/L), cadmium (mg/L, ug/L), calcium (mg/L), carbon dioxide (mg/L), organic carbon (mg/L), total organic carbon (mg/L), chloride (mg/L), chlorophyll (a+b+c, ug/L), chlorophyll a (corrected and uncorrected, ug/L, mg/m^3), chlorophyll/pheophytin ratio, chlorophyll-b (ug/L, mg/m^3), chlorophyll-c (ug/L, mg/m^3), chromium (ug/L), cloud cover (%), apparent color (PCU), true color (PCU), copper (ug/L), depth (m, ft), secchi depth (m), dissolved oxygen (mg/L, %), elevation (water surface, MSL, ft), fecal coliform (#/100mL), fecal Streptococcus group bacteria (#/100mL), flow (cfs), fluorides (mg/L), gage height (ft), hardness (Ca + Mg, mg/L), iron (mg/L, ug/L), lead (mg/L, ug/L), magnesium (mg/L), manganese (mg/L, ug/L), molybdenum (ug/L), nickel (ug/L), nitrogen (NH3 + NH4, mg/L), nitrogen (ammonia as NH3, mg/L), nitrogen (ammonia as N, mg/L), nitrogen (ammonium as N, mg/L), nitrogen(kjeldahl, mg/L), nitrogen (nitrate as N, mg/L), nitrogen (nitrate as N, tons/day), nitrogen (NO2 + NO3 as N, mg/L), nitrogen (nitrite as N, mg/L), oil and grease (mg/L), pH, pheophytin-a (ug/L, mg/m^3), phosphorus (mg/L), phosphorus as P (mg/L), phosphorus (orthophosphate as P, mg/L), phosphorus (orthophosphate as PO4, mg/L), potassium (mg/L), salinity (ppt), selenium (ug/L), silica (mg/L), silicon as Si (mg/L), silver (ug/L), sodium (mg/L), dissolved solids (mg/L), fixed solids (mg/L), total solids (mg/L), total suspended solids (mg/L), volatile solids (mg/L), soluble reactive phosphorus (mg/L), specific conductance (uS/cm, mS/cm, umho/cm), stream stage height (ft), strontium (mg/L, ug/L), sulfur (sulfate as S, mg/L), sulfur (sulfate as SO4, mg/L), air temperature (deg. C), water temperature (deg. C), thallium (ug/L), tin (ug/L), total coliform (#/100mL), turbidity (NTU), vanadium (ug/L), water level in well (depth from a reference point, ft), water level in well (measured from MSL, ft), water level reference point elevation (ft), wind direction (direction from, expressed 0-360 deg), wind velocity (mph), zinc (ug/L) | 1994 | Current | Monthly | Suwannee River Water Management District (SRWMD) | Water Column | WaterCol - Nutrients, WaterCol - Water Clarity, WaterCol - Water Quality | Big Bend Seagrasses | View |
479 | Southwest Florida Water Management District - Water Quality Monitoring | NW, SW | grab samples, secchi disk, YSI field meters | Alkalinity (bicarbonate as CaCO3, mg/L), alkalinity (carbonate as CaCO3, mg/L), total alkalinity (total hydroxide + carbonate + bicarbonate, mg/L), aluminum (ug/L, ppb, mg/L), ammonia (N, mg/L), arsenic (ug/L), bicarbonate (CaCO3, mg/L), boron (ug/L), calcium (mg/L), organic carbon (mg/L), total organic carbon (mg/L), chloride (mg/L), chlorophyll a (corrected and uncorrected, ug/L), chlorophyll-b (mg/m^3, ug/L), chlorophyll-c (mg/m3, ug/L), cobalt (ug/L), fecal coliform (CFU/100 mL), total coliform (CFU/100 mL), apparent color (PCU), true color (PCU), copper (ug/L), depth (m), depth to water (from measuring point, ft), secchi depth (m), dissolved oxygen (mg/L, %), fluoride (mg/L), gage height (ft), hardness (CaCO3, mg/L), hardness (Ca + Mg, mg/L), iron (ug/L, mg/L), magnesium (mg/L), manganese (mg/L, ug/L), molybdenum (ug/L), nitrate (mg/L), nitrate-nitrite (mg/L), nitrite (mg/L), total nitrogen (mg/L), total kjeldahl nitrogen (mg/L), nitrogen (ammonia as N, mg/L), inorganic nitrogen (mg/L), nitrogen (kjeldahl, mg/L), nitrogen (mixed forms NH3 + NH4 + organic + NO2 + NO3, mg/L), orthophosphate (mg/L), pH, pheophytin a (ug/L), phosphorus as P (mg/L), total phosphorus (mg/L), orthophosphate as P (mg/L), potassium (mg/L), purge volume (gal), residues- filterable (TDS, mg/L), residues- nonfilterable (TSS, mg/L), salinity (ppt, PSU), silica (mg/L), sodium (mg/L), dissolved solids (mg/L), totals suspended solids (mg/L), volatile solids (mg/L), specific conductance (uS/cm, umho/cm), stream stage height (ft, m), strontium (mg/L, ug/L), sulfate (mg/L), sulfide (mg/L), sulfur (sulfate as SO4, mg/L), water temperature (deg. C), transparency (m), turbidity (NTU), total volatile residues (mg/L), water level elevation (relative to NGVD29, ft), zinc (ug/L) | 1997 | Current | Variable | Southwest Florida Water Management District (SWFWMD) | Water Column | WaterCol - Nutrients, WaterCol - Water Clarity, WaterCol - Water Quality | Nature Coast, Gasparilla Sound-Charlotte Harbor, Lemon Bay, St. Martins Marsh, Cape Haze, Pinellas County | View |
505 | Pensacola Bay Water Quality Monitoring Program | NW | Electronic transmission from moored Wet Labs CTD instruments. Measurements taking every 0.25 m at each station starting 0.5 m from surface and ending 0.5 m from bottom. | Temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, chlorophyll a fluorescence, colored dissolved organic material (CDOM) fluorescence, turbidity | 2011 | 2016 | Continuous | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA); Gulf Ecology Division | Water Column | WaterCol - Water Clarity, WaterCol - Nutrients, WaterCol - Water Quality | Yellow River Marsh, Fort Pickens | View |
509 | SERC Water Quality Monitoring Network | SE | grab samples, LiCOR LI-1400 datalogger, CTD | Surface and bottom temperature (deg. C), salinity, dissolved oxygen (mg/L), nitrate (mg/L), nitrite (mg/L), ammonium (mg/L), total nitrogen (mg/L), total organic nitrogen (mg/L), total phosphorus (mg/L), soluble reactive phosphorus (mg/L), total organic carbon (mg/L), total silicate (mg/L), chlorophyll a (ppb), alkaline phosphatase activity (uM/hr), turbidity (NTU), pH, light attenuation (Kd), depth | 1989 | 2008 | Variable | Florida International University (FIU); Southeastern Environmental Research Program | Water Column | WaterCol - Water Clarity, WaterCol - Nutrients, WaterCol - Water Quality | Cape Romano-Ten Thousand Islands, Estero Bay, Biscayne Bay, Rookery Bay, Florida Keys NMS, Pine Island Sound, Rookery Bay NERR | View |
512 | Charlotte Harbor Aquatic Preserves Continuous Water Quality Monitoring | SW | 15-minute data collections at fixed stations using YSI 6600 data sondes with a transition to EXO2's and EXO3's beginning in 2018 | water temperature (°C), specific conductivity (mS/cm), salinity (psu), dissolved oxygen percent (%), dissolved oxygen (mg/L), depth (m), pH and turbidity (NTU-6600, FNU-EXO) | 2005 | Current | Continuous | Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP); Office of Resilience and Coastal Protection (RCP); Charlotte Harbor Aquatic Preserves | Water Column | WaterCol - Water Clarity, WaterCol - Water Quality | Cape Haze, Matlacha Pass, Gasparilla Sound-Charlotte Harbor | View |
513 | Coastal Charlotte Harbor Monitoring Network | SW | random grab samples, secchi disk | Depth, water clarity, temperature, salinity, conductivity, pH, dissolved oxygen, photosynthetic active radiation, color, turbidity, total suspended solids, chlorophyll a, nutrients, silica, biochemical oxygen demand, bacteria, dissolved organic carbon | 2002 | Current | Monthly | Charlotte Harbor National Estuary Program (CHNEP) | Water Column | WaterCol - Water Quality, WaterCol - Water Clarity, WaterCol - Nutrients | Lemon Bay, Gasparilla Sound-Charlotte Harbor, Matlacha Pass, Estero Bay, Pine Island Sound, Cape Haze | View |
514 | Florida LAKEWATCH Program | NW | grab samples, secchi disk | Total nitrogen (ug/L), total phosphorus (ug/L), chlorophyll a, water clarity (ug), secchi (ft), conductivity (uS & mS), chlorophyll a (ug/L), color (PCU) | 2000 | Current | Monthly | University of Florida (UF); Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences | Water Column | WaterCol - Water Clarity, WaterCol - Nutrients, WaterCol - Water Quality | Alligator Harbor, Biscayne Bay, St. Martins Marsh, Gasparilla Sound-Charlotte Harbor, Fort Pickens, Apalachicola NERR, Nassau River-St. Johns River Marshes, St. Joseph Buffer, Loxahatchee River-Lake Worth Creek, Apalachicola Bay, St. Andrews, Big Bend Seagrasses, St. Joseph Bay, Tomoka Marsh, Nature Coast, Cockroach Bay, Rookery Bay, Florida Keys NMS, Rocky Bayou, Rookery Bay NERR, Estero Bay, Yellow River Marsh, Pinellas County, Pine Island Sound, Cape Romano-Ten Thousand Islands | View |
537 | Choctawhatchee Basin Alliance Living Shorelines Oyster Reef Monitoring | NW | PVC pole placed on the shore-side of the reef used to document sediment accumulation, hydrolabs at seven sites | Sediment accumulation, sediment loss, temperature (deg. F), pH, specific conductivity (uS/cm), dissolved oxygen (mg/L, %), salinity (ppt), turbidity (NTU), total nitrogen (mg/L), total phosphorus (mg/L), chlorophyll a (ug/L), secchi depth (ft), depth (ft), oyster counts per bag, size range, species of organisms found in and around the reef | 2012 | Current | Quarterly | Choctawhatchee Basin Alliance | Water Column | WaterCol - Water Clarity, WaterCol - Nutrients, WaterCol - Water Quality | Rocky Bayou | View |
540 | Shellfish Harvest Area Classification Program | NE, NW, SE, SW | water samples at fixed stations analyzed for fecal coliform, DO, salinity, temperature and pH. Oysters/clam samples within some of the shellfish harvesting areas | Fecal coliform, pH, salinity, temperature, dissolved oxygen, daily rainfall, daily river stage (discharge), phytoplankton. Parameters uploaded to WIN include: Carbon- organic, Chlorophyll a- corrected, Chlorophyll a- uncorrected, Color- true, Dissolved Oxygen, Nitrate-Nitrite (N), Nitrogen- Total Kjeldahl, Pheophytin a, Phosphorus- Total, Salinity, Temperature- Water, Turbidity, pH | 1970 | Current | Monthly | Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS) - Division of Aquaculture | Water Column, Oyster/Oyster Reef | WaterCol - Water Quality, Oysters - Additional Indicators | Nature Coast, Yellow River Marsh, Big Bend Seagrasses, Banana River, St. Joseph Bay, St. Martins Marsh, Indian River-Malabar to Vero Beach, Indian River-Vero Beach to Ft. Pierce | View |
542 | Apalachicola National Estuarine Research Reserve Oyster Growth Project | NW | Oysters transplanted from two oyster reefs to flow-through bags attached to pilings (two replicates from each reef) and shell height measurements (mm) made monthly until specimens died or became too overgrown for accurate measurements to be made. | Shell height (mm), growth rates, spatfall, average montly salinity (ppt), average monthly temperature (deg. C) | 2004 | 2009 | Monthly | Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP); Office of Resilience and Coastal Protection (RCP); Apalachicola National Estuarine Research Reserve | Oyster/Oyster Reef | Oysters - Density, Oysters - Size Class, Oysters - Percent Live | Apalachicola Bay, Apalachicola NERR | View |
556 | St. Andrew Bay Aquatic Preserve Seagrass Monitoring | NW | Percent cover by species seagrass and DA (1m^2 quadrat), fixed transects; DO, pH, and salinity were measured using a YSI 600 QS or a Hydrolab Quanta following protocols described by Florida Lakewatch. | Percent cover by species seagrass and macroalgae (% presence/absence), density, chlorophyll a (µg/L), color, turbidity (NTU), total suspended solids, total nitrogen (µg/l), and total phosphorus (µg/l), pH, salinity (ppt), dissolved oxygen (mg/L), secchi depth (m), light attenuation (m^-1) | 2000 | 2009 | Annual | St. Andrew Bay Resource Management Association | Submerged Aquatic Vegetation | SAV - Percent Cover | St. Andrews | View |
557 | Central Panhandle Aquatic Preserves Seagrass Monitoring | NW | Four randomly placed 1m x 1m quadrats at each station and Braun-Blanquet percent cover assessment of each seagrass and macroalage species, as well as total cover for all macroalgae species combined, all seagrass species combined and all SAV combined. Other observations include seagrass blade length (cm), epiphyte density, sediment type and presence of urchins, bay scallops, prop scars and "blowouts." Water quality parameters (temperature, salinity, pH and dissolved oxygen) measured at each station using a YSI ProDSS handheld sonde. laboratory analysis, underwater photographs or video | Seagrass and macroalgae cover (Braun-Blanquet), species, canopy height, epiphyte coverage and type, sediment type, other organisms present, biomass samples, epiphyte, underwater photographs/video, depth (m), dissolved oxygen (mg/L), temperature (C), salinity (ppt), pH, turbidity, transparency (secchi depth, m), light attenuation, wind speed (mph), wind direction | 2003 | Current | Annual | Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP); Office of Resilience and Coastal Protection (RCP); Central Panhandle Aquatic Preserves | Submerged Aquatic Vegetation, Water Column | SAV - Additional Indicators, WaterCol - Water Clarity, WaterCol - Water Quality, SAV - Percent Cover | Alligator Harbor, Apalachicola Bay, Apalachicola NERR, St. Andrews, St. Joseph Bay | View |
558 | Franklin County Coastal Waters Seagrass Monitoring | NW | SAV percent coverage is evaluated at 10 randomly placed 0.25m2 quadrats, water quality assessed in the field and with water samples returned to the lab. SAV samples also returned to lab for leaf measurements, biomass assessment. | 2009-2017: Seagrass and macroalgal cover (by %), salinity (psu), water temperature (C), water depth (cm), transparency (secchi depth, cm), and pH, light attenuation, chlorophyll a, turbidity, total suspended solids, water color; Pre 2009: algae and seagrass species and abundance (Braun-Blanquet?), blade length (cm), epibiont coverage category and type, depth (m), other organisms observations, surface and bottom water dissolved oxygen (mg/L), salinity (ppt), temperature (C), pH, wind direction and speed, licor time and depth, turbidity (NTU), leaf weight (g), epibiont weight (g) | 2002 | 2017 | Annual | Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP); Office of Resilience and Coastal Protection (RCP); Central Panhandle Aquatic Preserves; Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) | Water Column, Submerged Aquatic Vegetation | WaterCol - Water Quality, WaterCol - Water Clarity, SAV - Additional Indicators, SAV - Percent Cover | Apalachicola NERR, Alligator Harbor | View |
559 | Northern Big Bend Seagrass Monitoring | NW | quadrats (10 x 0.25 m2) using a modification of the Braun- Blanquet technique (FWRI methods). Reported Seagrass and Macroalgal Cover Data are mean Braun Blanquet scores. | Seagrass and macroalgal cover by species, presence, number, density of bay scallops and sea urchins, epiphyte density on seagrass blades, bottom sediment type, light attenuation, transparency (secchi depth), turbidity, color, total suspended solids, and chlorophyll a, depth, water temperature, salinity, pH, dissolved oxygen | 2002 | 2018 | Annual | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC); Florida Fish and Wildlife Research Institute (FWRI) | Submerged Aquatic Vegetation | SAV - Percent Cover | Big Bend Seagrasses | View |
560 | Big Bend Seagrasses & Nature Coast Aquatic Preserves - Seagrass Monitoring | NW | As of 2022- Four randomly placed 1-m2 quadrats at each site are assessed using true percent coverage method in nine geographic areas. The full percent cover SOP is attached in the uploaded files. Prior to 2022 a modified Braun-Blanquet cover abundance method was used, SOP also attached. Additional documented observations via Big Bend Seagrasses Aquatic Preserve monitoring include: epiphyte density, sediment type, sediment depth, presence of urchins and bay scallops and presence of prop scars or “blowouts.” Abiotic water quality parameters (temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen and pH) are recorded at each sample site using a YSI 650 MDS datalogger, historically, and post-2020, an EXO1 datalogger. The Nature Coast Aquatic Preserve monitoring include: epiphyte density, canopy height, sediment type, station depth, secchi depth (vertical and horizontal), presence of urchins and bay scallops and presence of prop scars or “blowouts.” Abiotic water quality parameters (temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen and pH) are recorded at each sample site using a YSI ProDSS datalogger. | Seagrass and macroalgal percent cover by species began in 2022, Braun-Blanquet method used prior to 2022, presence, density of bay scallops and sea urchins, epiphyte density on seagrass blades, bottom sediment type. Temperature (C), Salinity (ppt), Dissolved Oxygen (mg/L), and pH (SU) included since 2016. Depth (m), secchi (m) and canopy height (cm) are additional parameters recorded in the Nature Coast AP seagrass data. | 1997 | Current | Annual | Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP); Office of Resilience and Coastal Protection (RCP); Big Bend Seagrasses Aquatic Preserves; University of Florida - Nature Coast Aquatic Preserve | Submerged Aquatic Vegetation, Water Column | SAV - Percent Cover, SAV - Additional Indicators, WaterCol - Water Quality | St. Martins Marsh, Pinellas County, Big Bend Seagrasses, Nature Coast | View |
564 | Western Pinellas County Seagrass Monitoring | SW | 30m transects are lain generally north-to-south. At 0m, 5m, 10m, 15m, 20m, 25m and 25m and 30m, species present, % coverage, visual appearance, depth, epiphytic coverage and type and sediment are recorded. At 0m, 15m and 30m, 3 10cmX10cm square short shoot counts are made for each species present and 5 blade lengths are measured. | Species present, Percent cover (%), blade length, shoot count, epiphytes present, sediment types, depth (m), algae present, pH, temperature (C), salinity (ppt), dissolved oxygen (mg/L), transmissivity, light attenuation | 1998 | Current | Annual | Pinellas County (Florida); Department of Environmental Management; Tampa Bay Estuary Program (TBEP) | Submerged Aquatic Vegetation | SAV - Percent Cover | Boca Ciega Bay, Pinellas County | View |
565 | Tampa Bay Seagrass Monitoring | SW | 1,550 quadrats located every 10–25 m on approximately 62 transects, at 21 fixed locations. | Seagrass and macroalgae percent cover by species (Braun-Blanquet), canopy height (cm), stem density (m^-2), epiphyte density, sediment type, light profiles, water temperature, salinity, Secchi depth, color, chlorophyll-a concentration, and turbidity | 1982 | Current | Annual | Tampa Bay Interagency Seagrass Monitoring Program; Tampa Bay Estuary Program (TBEP) | Submerged Aquatic Vegetation | SAV - Percent Cover, SAV - Additional Indicators | Pinellas County, Boca Ciega Bay, Terra Ceia, Cockroach Bay | View |
566 | Southwest Florida Water Management District SWIM Program Seagrass Mapping | SW | SAV habitat mapped based on photo-interpretation from 1:24,000 scale natural color aerial photography and classified using the southwest florida water management district modified florida land use cover and forms classification system. | Acreage (acres) | 1988 | Current | Biennial | Southwest Florida Water Management District (SWFWMD) | Submerged Aquatic Vegetation, Oyster/Oyster Reef | SAV - Acreage, Oysters - Acreage | Cape Haze, Terra Ceia, Lemon Bay, Cockroach Bay, Boca Ciega Bay, Nature Coast, Big Bend Seagrasses, Pinellas County, Gasparilla Sound-Charlotte Harbor, Matlacha Pass, Pine Island Sound, St. Martins Marsh | View |
568 | Sarasota County Seagrass Monitoring | SW | field monitoring at 40 fixed and 120 random points | Presence/absence of seagrass species, species percent composition, blade length, and percent cover, depth, transparency (secchi depth), presence of algae (drift and attached), epiphyte cover on seagrass blades, sediment composition. Prior to 2020, most information on algae refers to the level of Drift, as opposed to Rooted Algae types. After 2020, survey teams began to add information on rooted algaes present per site. | 2006 | Current | Annual | Sarasota County (Florida) | Submerged Aquatic Vegetation | SAV - Percent Cover, SAV - Additional Indicators | Lemon Bay | View |
570 | Charlotte Harbor Seagrass Monitoring | SW | SAV evaluated for total cover using the Braun-Blanquet method (0.1: solitary, 0.5: few, 1: < 5%, 2: 5–25%, 3: 26–50%, 4: 51–75%, 5: 76–100%) and by species with regularly-spaced 1 m × 1 m quadrats along transects from shore to deep edge of the SAV. Blade lengths (cm), shoot counts, epiphyte cover category, sediment type and water depth (cm) are also recorded for each quadrat. Salinity, temperature, dissolved oxygen, secchi depth and PAR also measured at the end of each transect (1999-2006). Fixed transects with repeat sampling stations, beginning and end of bed vary each year. | Seagrass species and abundance (total and by species using Braun Blanquet method), shoot counts, blade lengths (cm), epiphyte loading on seagrass blades, sediment type, depth (cm), begining and end of bed (m) | 1999 | Current | Annual | Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP); Office of Resilience and Coastal Protection (RCP); Charlotte Harbor Aquatic Preserves | Submerged Aquatic Vegetation | SAV - Percent Cover, SAV - Additional Indicators | Lemon Bay, Pine Island Sound, Gasparilla Sound-Charlotte Harbor, Cape Haze, Matlacha Pass | View |
571 | Estero Bay Seagrass Monitoring | SW | SAV evaluated for total cover using the Braun-Blanquet method (0.1: solitary, 0.5: few, 1: < 5%, 2: 5–25%, 3: 26–50%, 4: 51–75%, 5: 76–100%) and by species with regularly-spaced 1 m × 1 m quadrats along transects (n=5) from shore to deep edge of the SAV. Blade lengths (cm), shoot counts, epiphyte cover category, sediment type and water depth (cm) are also recorded for each quadrat. Salinity, temperature, dissolved oxygen, secchi depth and PAR also measured at the mid- and deepest end points along each transect. | Seagrass species composition, species abundance (Braun Blanquet), total seagrass abundance (Braun Blanquet), blade lengths (cm), shoot counts, epiphyte loading, sediment type, water depth (cm), dissolved oxygen (mg/L), transparency (secchi depth), salinity (PSU), water temperature (C) | 2002 | Current | Semiannual | Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP); Office of Resilience and Coastal Protection (RCP); Estero Bay Aquatic Preserve | Submerged Aquatic Vegetation | SAV - Percent Cover, SAV - Additional Indicators | Estero Bay | View |
572 | Rookery Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve Seagrass Monitoring | SW | fixed-transect modified Braun-Blanquet methodology | Water depth (m), seagrass species, abundance and total percentage cover (modified Braun-Blanquet), epiphyte presence/absence, sediment type, salinity (ppt), dissolved oxygen (% and mg/L), conductivity (ms/cm), specific conductivity (ms/cm), temperature (C), PAR (surface, mid-water column and bottom), color (mg/L), turbidity (FTU), secchi depth (m) | 1998 | 2005 | Annual | Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP); Office of Resilience and Coastal Protection (RCP); Rookery Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve | Water Column, Submerged Aquatic Vegetation | WaterCol - Water Clarity, SAV - Percent Cover, WaterCol - Water Quality | Rookery Bay NERR, Rookery Bay | View |
620 | Inventory and Monitoring Network Status and Trends | NW | rod surface elevation table (RSET) benchmark surveyed using national geodetic survey (NGS) guidelines, felspar clay in 50 cm x 50 cm plots, sediment cores (mini Macailay corer), slipper tubes, vegetation sampling, National Vegetation Classification Standard. | Marsh (salt and oligohaline) vertical surface sediment elevation (m), vertical sediment accretion, sediment characterization, porewater salinity (categories), dominant vegetation mean height (m), shrub mean height (m), herbaceous mean height (m), carpet mean height (m), percent cover by species | 2011 | Current | Annual | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS); Southeast Regional Inventory and Monitoring Program | Coastal Wetlands | Wetlands - Species Composition, Wetlands - Additional Indicators | Big Bend Seagrasses | View |
627 | Apalachicola Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve Surface Elevation Monitoring | NW | surface elevation tables (SETs) | Vertical surface elevation | 2012 | Current | Annual | Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP); Office of Resilience and Coastal Protection (RCP); Apalachicola National Estuarine Research Reserve | RCP Program not part of SEACAR analysis | RCP Program not part of SEACAR analysis - Additional Indicators | Apalachicola NERR, Apalachicola Bay | View |
651 | Coastal Habitat Integrated Mapping and Monitoring Program (CHIMMP) Pilot Monitoring Data | NE, NW, SE, SW | The CHIMMP report provides a summary of status and mapping and monitoring data and is not a primary data source. CHIMMP report methodology: literature review, gap analysis and data summary. Long-term monitoring is a primary data source and follows Critical Coastal Habitat Assessment methodology | Acreage (in CHIMMP report), Monitoring parameters: species, basal percent cover, tree height, tree diameter at breast height, elevation | 2013 | Current | Periodic | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commision (FWC); Florida Fish and Wildlife Research Institute (FWRI) | Coastal Wetlands | Wetlands - Additional Indicators, Wetlands - Species Composition | Apalachicola NERR, Guana Tolomato Matanzas NERR, Guana River Marsh, Apalachicola Bay | View |
899 | USGS Coral Reef Ecosystem Studies (CREST) Project | SE | Transplant of 80 whole colonies of S. siderea to 4 outer-reef sites, systematic measurement of calcification rates directly via the buoyant weight method, a;iaarin red S stain, plastic tiles for crustose algal growth by weight, grazing by count of parrot-fish bite marks | Siderastrea siderea coral calcification rates, linear extension rates, crustose coraline algae recruitment, percent area of coral skeletons excavated by bioeroding fauna, coral transplant colony length and width, grazing intensity, community composition (counts), temperature (deg. C), depth (m), salinity, dissolved oxygen (mg/L), pH, virus/bacteria concentration (mL^-1) | 2009 | Current | Semiannual | U.S. Geological Survey (USGS); St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center | Water Column, Coral/Coral Reef | WaterCol - Water Quality, Coral - Additional Indicators, Coral - Percent Cover, Coral - Grazers and Reef Dependent Species, WaterCol - Nekton | Florida Keys NMS | View |
906 | Tampa Bay Critical Coastal Habitat Assessment | SW | topographic survey, permanent transect, permanent benchmarks, elevation of transect and site control, Stratified random quadrats one meter square plots along belt transect, photos, feldspar horizons, Shallow well piezometers | Vegetation composition, percent cover, species richness, shoot density, tree composition, soil percent organic content, poreware salinity, sediment accretion and erosion, estimated of fiddler crabs and burrows, invertebrates and mammal activity | 2014 | Current | Periodic | Tampa Bay Estuary Program | Coastal Wetlands | Wetlands - Species Composition | Pinellas County, Boca Ciega Bay | View |
912 | NPS South Florida/Caribbean Inventory and Monitoring Network: Coral Reef Water Temperature | SE | HOBO data loggers for water temperature in Dry Tortugas National Park, video transects, coral point count software | Reef-depth water temperature (deg. C) | 2004 | Current | Continuous | National Park Service (NPS); South Florida/Caribbean Inventory and Monitoring Network | Water Column | WaterCol - Water Quality | View | |
915 | NPS South Florida/Caribbean Inventory and Monitoring Network: Coral Reef Monitoring | SE | transects | Video transects to calculate a benthic % cover, coral species lists, diadema counts, coral colony counts (colonies > 4 cm), coral disease lesions, rugosity | 1999 | Current | Annual | National Park Service (NPS); South Florida/Caribbean Inventory and Monitoring Network | Coral/Coral Reef | Coral - Grazers and Reef Dependent Species, Coral - Percent Cover, Coral - Community Composition | Florida Keys NMS, Coupon Bight, Coral ECA, Biscayne Bay-Cape Florida to Monroe County Line | View |
960 | Comprehensive Study of the Impact of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill on the Health and Productivity of Gulf Coast Salt Marshes | NW, SE, SW | Marsh biophysical data were collected in the field using several instruments such as a SPAD chlorophyll meter, LiCOR's LAI 2000 meters, and some destructive sampling for above ground green biomass. | Marsh biophysical parameters - chlorophyll content (mg/g), vegetation fraction (%), leaf area index, canopy height (cm) and above ground green biomass (g/ft^2) | 2011 | 2011 | TBD | The Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative Information and Data Cooperative | Coastal Wetlands | Wetlands - Additional Indicators | Big Bend Seagrasses | View |
965 | South Florida Seagrass Fish and Invertebrate Assessment Network | SE, SW | Braun Blanquet is the SAV method. Fish/Fauna uses a 1-m2 throw-trap is the basic gear used to sample fauna in FIAN. Associated with each throw-trap animal sample are measurements of seagrass/algae habitat, water depth, sediment depth and surface temperature, salinity and turbidity. Twice annually, a randomly located throw-trap sample is collected in each cell of a 30-cell grid at each of the 19 monitoring locations at the end of the dry season (April/May) and the wet season (September/October). | Fish/fauna and seagrass/algae species composition and abundance, water depth, sediment depth and surface temperature, salinity and turbidity | 2005 | 2011 | Semiannual | U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) | Water Column, Coral/Coral Reef, Submerged Aquatic Vegetation | WaterCol - Water Clarity, WaterCol - Nekton, Coral - Percent Cover, SAV - Percent Cover, WaterCol - Water Quality | Florida Keys NMS, Biscayne Bay | View |
972 | Sarasota County Comprehensive Oyster Monitoring Program | SW | Enumeration of live and dead oysters within 25cm x 25cm quadrats randomly positioned on reef; largest five live oysters measured (cm) with measuring tape; water quality meters | Number live oysters, number dead oysters, percent live, shell length for five longest live oysters (cm), recruitment, rainfall, salinity (ppt), specific conductivity (uS/cm), dissolved oxygen (mg/L), pH, temperature (deg. C), discharge rates | 2003 | Current | Semiannual | Sarasota County (Florida) | Oyster/Oyster Reef | Oysters - Additional Indicators, Oysters - Percent Live | Lemon Bay | View |
973 | Sarasota County Bays and Creeks Field Oyster Habitat Mapping Project | SW | Oyster habitat within tidal creeks and bays in Sarasota County were systematically mapped over five years of boat surveys using maps and ArcGIS software. Oyster habitats were categorized by visual assessment of substrate/growth form and oyster population condition. | Total coverage (acres), cover by oyster habitat type (acres), qualitative estimate of oyster population condition | 2008 | 2013 | One-time | Sarasota County (Florida) | Oyster/Oyster Reef | Oysters - Additional Indicators, Oysters - Acreage | Lemon Bay | View |
974 | Tampa Bay Oyster Mapping and Assessment | SW | hyperspectral imagery, aerial imagery, groundtruthing, xGPS (Xplore Technologies) unit mounted on a Garmin ArcPad digital tablet | Oyster coverage | 2005 | 2006 | TBD | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) | Oyster/Oyster Reef | Oysters - Acreage | Boca Ciega Bay, Cockroach Bay, Pinellas County, Terra Ceia | View |
978 | St. Andrews Bay Prop Scar Monitoring | NW | Prop scar restoration method experiment: 10 prop scars treated with sediment tubes, 4 untreated prop scars and unscarred control plots were assessed for percent cover (modified Braun-Blanquet) and shoot counts to evaluate the treatment's impact on prop scar recovery. Three replicate paired 1m x 1m quadrats (one over the scar, another control over unscarred seagrass) were assessed for each scar in 2008 and again in 2010. These data were supplemented with analysis of seagrass scarring in broader areas using annual aerial photographs, in order to assess the effectiveness of non-regulatory boater information signage on prop scar frequency. | Percent cover (Braun-Blanquet), shoot counts | 2007 | 2010 | Variable | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) | Submerged Aquatic Vegetation | SAV - Additional Indicators, SAV - Percent Cover | St. Andrews | View |
981 | Florida Reef Resilience Program | SE | belt transects | Coral area, composition, cover, density, disease, mortality, size, size frequency | 2005 | Current | Annual | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC); Florida Fish and Wildlife Research Institute (FWRI), The Nature Conservancy (TNC) | Coral/Coral Reef | Coral - Additional Indicators, Coral - Community Composition | Coral ECA, Biscayne Bay-Cape Florida to Monroe County Line, Coupon Bight, Florida Keys NMS | View |
982 | Florida Keys Bleach Watch | SE | remote sensing, in-situ environmental monitoring analysis, and "BleachWatch" volunteer observations | Degree of bleaching, types of coral affected, percent cover of coral bleached, depth range of bleached corals, temperature (air, surface, bottom), depth (ft) | 2005 | Current | Variable | Mote Marine Laboratory | Coral/Coral Reef, Water Column | Coral - Additional Indicators, WaterCol - Water Quality | Coupon Bight, Lignumvitae Key, Florida Keys NMS | View |
986 | Water Temperature on Coral Reefs in the Florida Keys | SE | Record water temperatures using the HOBO Water Temp Pro v2 loggers (model U22-001; Onset Corporation). These loggers are set to record the temperature every hour, giving us a high resolution, continuous temperature record. Loggers are attached to the metal stakes drilled into the reef used in the CREMP coral surveys using zip ties. | Water temperature (deg. C, deg. F) | 2002 | Current | Continuous | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commision (FWC); Florida Wildlife Research Institute (FWRI) | Water Column | WaterCol - Water Quality | Biscayne Bay-Cape Florida to Monroe County Line, Florida Keys NMS, Coral ECA | View |
989 | Continuous Bottom Temperature Measurements along the Florida Reef Tract | SE | A total of 38 subsurface recording thermographs (Ryan Industries, Inc. and Sea-Bird Electronics, Inc. thermographs) have been deployed in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary (FKNMS) and at other selected locations on the Florida Reef Tract and associated hydrologic ecosystems. These instruments have been programmed to record at 2 hour intervals and are placed in permanent housings attached to suitable substrate. Data retrieval, servicing and reprogramming for continuous deployment have occurred, on average, annually. | Depth (ft), water temperature (deg. C) | 1988 | Current | Continuous | Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary (FKNMS) | Water Column | WaterCol - Water Quality | Florida Keys NMS | View |
997 | Apalachicola Bay Ephemeral SAV Monitoring | NW | transects, quadrats, cores, YSI meters | Water depth (m), species composition, shoot density, percent occurrence (by % and Braun-Blanquet), canopy height, and degree of epiphytization (low, medium, high), salinity (ppt), temperature (C), surface and bottom dissolved oxygen (%), turbidity (NTU), secchi depth (m), pH and water color, grain-size analysis and percent organic analysis | 2003 | 2004 | Variable | Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP); Office of Resilience and Coastal Protection (RCP); Apalachicola National Estuarine Research Reserve | Water Column, Submerged Aquatic Vegetation | WaterCol - Water Quality, SAV - Additional Indicators, SAV - Percent Cover | Apalachicola NERR, Apalachicola Bay | View |
3000 | Florida Keys Water Watch | SE | Dissolved oxygen (mg/L or ppm), air and water temperatures (deg. C), pH, salinity (ppt), secchi depth (cm), alkalinity (mg/L), nitrate (mg/L), orthophosphate (mg/L) | 2015 | 2019 | Monthly | Florida Sea Grant; University of Florida IFAS Extension; Monroe County | Water Column | WaterCol - Water Clarity, WaterCol - Water Quality | Lignumvitae Key, Florida Keys NMS | View | |
3001 | Lagoon Watch (Formerly Marine Discovery Center) | NE | Volunteer data / Citizen Science | Salinity (ppt), dissolved oxygen (mg/L), temperature (deg. C), pH, secchi depth (m), depth (m), weather categories | 2013 | Current | Weekly | Volusia County (Florida); Marine Discovery Center | Water Column | WaterCol - Water Quality, WaterCol - Water Clarity | Banana River, Jensen Beach to Jupiter Inlet, Indian River-Vero Beach to Ft. Pierce, Coral ECA, Loxahatchee River-Lake Worth Creek, Indian River-Malabar to Vero Beach, North Fork St. Lucie, Mosquito Lagoon | View |
3004 | Guana Tolomato Matanzas NERR Nekton monitoring | NE | The north-south span of water within the GTM NERR was divided into 20 equal zones (10 in the northern and 10 in the southern component) of approximately 2.9 km for nekton and benthic invertebrate monitoring. Samples were collected monthly using a 4.9 m otter trawl (38 mm body mesh and 6 mm mesh cod-end), for two minute intervals. Three replicates occurred at each site for every sampling event (total 60 samples/month). Environmental data were collected at each site using a handheld YSI meter. Habitat type and tide were also recorded. Fish collected were identified to species and counted. The first 20 specimens of each species were measured for Total Length to the nearest millimeter. All identified animals were returned to the water. Any animals that could not be identified in the field were retained. Retained animals were kept in a plastic container on ice for later identification and preserved in 70% ethanol. | start and stop depths, water temperature (°C), salinity (ppt), dissolved oxygen (mg/L), species, total number, average total length (mm) | 2010 | 2018 | Monthly | Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP); Office of Resilience and Coastal Protection (RCP); Guana Tolomato Matanzas National Estuarine Research Reserve (GTMNERR) | Water Column | WaterCol - Nekton | Guana River Marsh, Guana Tolomato Matanzas NERR | View |
3013 | Seagrass (SJRWMD) | NE | Fixed transect monitoring; 1m^2 quadrat | % cover (0-100%), macro algae, species cover, epiphyte loading (1-5 scale), shoot counts, and canopy height (cm), water depth (cm)water clarity (color and turbidity, Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR)) | 1994 | Current | Semiannual | St. Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD) | Water Column, Submerged Aquatic Vegetation | WaterCol - Water Clarity, WaterCol - Water Quality, SAV - Percent Cover | Banana River, Jensen Beach to Jupiter Inlet, Mosquito Lagoon, Loxahatchee River-Lake Worth Creek, Indian River-Malabar to Vero Beach, Indian River-Vero Beach to Ft. Pierce | View |
3014 | Indian River Lagoon Seagrass Mapping (SJRWMD, SFWMD) | NE | Photo-interpretation of aerial imagery. | Acreage (acres) | 1943 | Current | Periodic | St. Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD), South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) | Submerged Aquatic Vegetation | SAV - Acreage | Jensen Beach to Jupiter Inlet, Banana River, Mosquito Lagoon, Indian River-Malabar to Vero Beach, Indian River-Vero Beach to Ft. Pierce, Loxahatchee River-Lake Worth Creek | View |
3015 | SCCF Seagrass Surveys | SW | Quadrat; Percent cover is evaluated by percent presence/absence in a gridded 1m x 1m quadrat. | Shoot density (3x year) (shoots/m^2); species composition – 10 sites mouth Caloosahatchee; canopy height (cm); quadrat depth (m); percent cover (0-100%); sediment type | 2010 | Current | Annual | Sanibel-Captiva Conservation Foundation (SCCF) | Submerged Aquatic Vegetation | SAV - Additional Indicators, SAV - Percent Cover | Pine Island Sound | View |
3016 | Lake Worth Lagoon Seagrass Mapping Project | SE | Aerial imagery interpretation and ground truthing using Braun-Blanquet assessments using 1m x 1m quadrats. Five ground-truthing transects established in 2000, four more added in 2001 and monitored annually. Aerial imagery assessed in 2001 and 2007 and extensive ground-truthing conducted in 2013 to adjust 2007 SAV classifications and boundaries. | Acreage, % Cover (Braun-Blanquet), % Algae cover, species composition, algae species composition, epiphytes, temperature, salinity, water clarity, substrate type | 2000 | 2013 | Periodic | Palm Beach County Department of Environmental Resources Management | Submerged Aquatic Vegetation, Water Column | SAV - Acreage, SAV - Percent Cover, SAV - Additional Indicators, WaterCol - Water Quality | Jensen Beach to Jupiter Inlet | View |
3017 | Loxahatchee River District Bi-Monthly Seagrass Monitoring | NE | Monitoring percent occurrence/cover (total and by species), shoot counts/density, canopy height, biomass. 2003-2007: randomized transects with 25x25cm quadrats. Percent occurrence calculated by dividing the number of 25cm X 25cm quadrats (on the transect) with species presence by the total number of quadrats on the transect. Shoot count and canopy height measurements performed at fixed locations along each transect. 2007-current: haphazardly placed 1x1m quadrats within five pre-selected SAV beds. Percent cover is estimated as percent presence/absence using a 25 grid-cell 1m x 1m quadrat (2007-2020) or a 100 grid-cell 1m x 1m quadrat (2021-present). Shoot density and canopy height calculated as average within the quadrat (i.e., average blade length in cm). Analysis by agency determined that the percent occurrence data was the same for the 2003-2007 (transect based) sampling and the 2007-present sampling (CERP patch-scale randomized design). | Percent cover, Shoot counts/density, and canopy height (average blade length, cm), and biomass. Water quality/clarity measured at each site: Temperature, SpCond., Salinity, DO(%sat), DO(mg/l), pH, Secchi, Turbidity, Chl a, PAR, Light. Methods 2003-2007 used transects with 25x25cm quadrats; post-2007 uses randomized 1m2 quadrat) | 2003 | Current | Bimonthly | Loxahatchee River District; Wildpine Ecological Laboratory | Submerged Aquatic Vegetation | SAV - Percent Cover | Loxahatchee River-Lake Worth Creek, Jensen Beach to Jupiter Inlet | View |
3019 | SFWMD Regional Seagrass Mapping | NE, SE, SW | aerial mapping for acreage and cover was interpolated from aerial photos; Loxahatchee in water surveys for percent occurrence/ presence/ absence | SAV acreage from aerial imagery. Includes Continuous/Patchy Seagrass, SAV (undefined as patchy/continuous), Attached macroalgae, unconsolidated substrate, and tidal flat (depending on survey area and year - see summary file GIS_3019_Dates_Hectares.xlsx. | 1994 | Current | Variable | South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD), St. Johns Water Management District (SJRWMD), Loxahatchee River District (LRD) | Submerged Aquatic Vegetation | SAV - Additional Indicators, SAV - Acreage | Gasparilla Sound-Charlotte Harbor, Estero Bay, Florida Keys NMS, Pine Island Sound, Lignumvitae Key, Biscayne Bay, Cape Haze, Loxahatchee River-Lake Worth Creek, Matlacha Pass | View |
3021 | Pennekamp Coral Survey - Florida Park Service | SE | Species composition (counts/species), health | 2009 | 2011 | Periodic | Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP); Florida Park Service | Coral/Coral Reef | Coral - Community Composition | Florida Keys NMS | View | |
3022 | National Coral Reef Monitoring Program (NCRMP) | SE | Stationary Point Count (Fish), Belt transects and Line-Point Intercept transects (Benthics) | Coral demographics, percent cover, Diadema antillarum abundance, reef dependent fish species abundance | 2014 | Current | Biennial | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA); Southeast Fisheries Science Center and National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science | Coral/Coral Reef | Coral - Community Composition, Coral - Grazers and Reef Dependent Species, Coral - Percent Cover | Coupon Bight, Coral ECA, Jensen Beach to Jupiter Inlet, Florida Keys NMS, Loxahatchee River-Lake Worth Creek, Biscayne Bay, Lignumvitae Key, Biscayne Bay-Cape Florida to Monroe County Line | View |
3024 | Palm Beach County Artificial and Natural Reef Monitoring Program | SE | Fish data was collected using two methods: Bohnsack Point Count and R.E.E.F. Roving Diver. The point count method occurs in a defined space and is timed; whereas, the R.E.E.F. method covers a larger area and is not timed. | Benthic assessments; sediment cover; sediment depth; acres (Palm Beach Co. – digitized); percent cover of epibenthics, algae and substrates; abundance of fish and benthic species (for fish, abundance codes and counts); fish size, life stage and species identifications | 2017 | 2018 | TBD | Palm Beach County | Coral/Coral Reef | Coral - Community Composition, Coral - Percent Cover, Coral - Grazers and Reef Dependent Species | Coral ECA | View |
3029 | Mangrove Monitoring | SW | Quadrats | Community Composition, dbh, Seedling Density | 2003 | 2007 | Periodic | Sanibel-Captiva Conservation Foundation (SCCF) | Coastal Wetlands | Wetlands - Species Composition | View | |
3030 | Southwest Florida Water Management District (SWFWMD) Land Use Land Cover (LULC) | NW, SW | Aerial mapping and field mapping | FLUCCS Codes for habitat and LULC, acreage (ac) | 1990 | Current | Periodic | Southwest Florida Water Management District (SWFWMD) | Coastal Wetlands | Wetlands - Acreage | Boca Ciega Bay, Gasparilla Sound-Charlotte Harbor, Big Bend Seagrasses, St. Martins Marsh, Nature Coast, Pinellas County, Lemon Bay, Terra Ceia, Cape Haze, Cockroach Bay | View |
3031 | Coastal Wetlands | NE | Land cover mapping - GIS | Acreage (acres) for Coastal Wetland categories, and a single SAV category | 1984 | 2003 | Periodic | St. Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD) | Coastal Wetlands, Submerged Aquatic Vegetation | Wetlands - Acreage, SAV - Acreage | Nassau River-St. Johns River Marshes, Indian River-Vero Beach to Ft. Pierce, Guana Tolomato Matanzas NERR, Banana River, Guana River Marsh, Mosquito Lagoon, Fort Clinch, Pellicer Creek, Tomoka Marsh, Indian River-Malabar to Vero Beach | View |
4000 | Guana Tolomato Matanzas NERR Oyster monitoring | NE | Sampling of randomly-selected reefs using randomly positioned quadrats along a transect. Percent cover assessed using 1m x 1m quadrats and point-intercept method; samples for oyster measurements and faunal census taken using a 25cm x 25cm quadrat and excavated to 15cm depth. | number and sizes of all live oysters, mussels and clams (mm), densities of predatory gastropods and mangroves (#/m^2), percent cover (point intercept method), reef height (m), oyster cluster density (#/m^2) | 2014 | Current | Annual | Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP); Office of Resilience and Coastal Protection (RCP); Guana Tolomato Matanzas National Estuarine Research Reserve (GTMNERR) | Oyster/Oyster Reef | Oysters - Percent Live, Oysters - Size Class, Oysters - Additional Indicators, Oysters - Density | Guana River Marsh, Guana Tolomato Matanzas NERR | View |
4005 | FGCU Oyster Reef Restoration Project | SW | Quadrat sampling in three strata (reference, control, restoration) | Density, Size Class, Percent Live | 2003 | 2019 | TBD | Florida Gulf Coast University (FGCU) | Oyster/Oyster Reef | Oysters - Density, Oysters - Additional Indicators, Oysters - Size Class, Oysters - Percent Live | View | |
4012 | SCCF Oyster Restoration Monitoring | SW | Pre and post-restoration monitoring of control, restoration and reference locations starts with ground survey of reef area and height (Trimble Geo7x with RTK). Density and size-frequency are determined by placing a quadrat at five random sampling points chosen in advance using ArcGIS. The quadrat used is 1m x 1m, 0.5m x 0.5m or 0.25m x 0.25m depending on oyster density at the site (higher density = smaller quadrat area). All oysters within each quadrat (live and dead) are collected and live oyster shell heights and densities are measured. Additional samples may be added if needed based on a statistical power analysis. Recruitment (oysters/month) is also occasionally measured by deploying PVC T-bars to hang shell strings (3 strings with 10 shells/string). | Density (oysters/m^2), Size Frequency (mm) | 2015 | Current | Annual | Sanibel-Captiva Conservation Foundation (SCCF) | Oyster/Oyster Reef | Oysters - Size Class, Oysters - Density | Estero Bay, Pine Island Sound | View |
4014 | Loxahatchee River Oyster Mapping and Recruitment | NE | Reefs larger than 1m^2 and containing more than five live oysters were mapped using a Trimble Pro XR. 1-5 randomly placed 0.25m^2 quads (# dependent on reef size) were sampled. Density and shell height (measured from umbo to opposite margin) of live and articulated dead oysters were measured. | acreage (acres), density (oysters/m^2), shell height (counts of individuals <5cm, 5-10cm and >10cm in 2003 data set, individual measurements to nearest half cm for 2008 and 2013 data sets), percent live (% within 0.25m^2) | 2003 | 2013 | Periodic | Loxahatchee River District | Oyster/Oyster Reef | Oysters - Percent Live, Oysters - Size Class, Oysters - Density, Oysters - Acreage | Loxahatchee River-Lake Worth Creek | View |
4016 | Indian River Lagoon Oyster, Coastal Wetlands and Mangroves (MarineGEO site) | NE | Quadrats placed randomly along transects; 1m x 1m quadrats with 100-point grids used for percent cover (point-intercept method); 25cm x 25cm quadrats used for oyster and associated organisms size measurements and counts (sizes measured in mm, up to 50 randomly selected oyster specimens including both live and dead articulated oysters - live versus dead measurements are denoted in the data set); bio-boxes used to census reef-associated fauna >500um. Reef area was initially assessed by GPS and drone photography, but the spreadsheet indicates these measurements are being redone in consultation with the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. | reef area (m^2), reef height (cm), oyster percent cover (point-intercept), oyster size frequency distributions (mm), counts of oysters and associated organisms; water temperature (deg. C), salinity, dissolved oxygen (mg/l), CDOM (QSDE), chlorophyl a (ug/l) | 2016 | Current | Annual | Smithsonian Marine Station at Indian River Lagoon- collaborating with Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP); Office of Resilience and Coastal Protection (RCP); Indian River Lagoon Aquatic Preserves | Coastal Wetlands, Oyster/Oyster Reef | Wetlands - Additional Indicators, Oysters - Density, Oysters - Additional Indicators, Oysters - Size Class, Oysters - Percent Live, Oysters - Acreage | Indian River-Malabar to Vero Beach, Indian River-Vero Beach to Ft. Pierce, Jensen Beach to Jupiter Inlet | View |
4017 | Guana Tolomato Matanzas NERR Emergent Intertidal Vegetation Monitoring | NE | permanent quadrats 0-, 6-, and 10-m from shore at six sites; quadrats evenly spaced along replicate shore-to-upland transects at one site | species cover (%), stem density (#/m^2), canopy height (m) | 2012 | Current | Semiannual | Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP); Office of Resilience and Coastal Protection (RCP); Guana Tolomato Matanzas National Estuarine Research Reserve (GTMNERR); NOAA National Estuarine Research Reserve System (NERRS) | Coastal Wetlands | Wetlands - Species Composition | Guana Tolomato Matanzas NERR, Guana River Marsh, Pellicer Creek | View |
4018 | Miami-Dade County DERM Benthic Habitat Monitoring Program | SE | Four replicate, haphazardly placed 0.25m^2 quadrats evaluated by Braun-Blanquet (by species and total SAV) at 101 stations chosen randomly ahead of time using Microsoft Excel software. Additional fixed stations are monitored using transects and 1m x 1m quadrats divided into 25 grid squares (three replicates per transect). Each 1m x 1m quadrat is evaluated for Braun-Blanquet scores and five grid squares are randomly chosen for shoot and blade counts. Samples are collected for biomass analysis by moving a 1m x 1m quadrat off the transect and removing above-ground seagrass material from three randomly chosen grid squares. | Percent cover (Braun-Blanquet), abundance, shoot counts and density (shoots/m^2), seagrass above-ground biomass (g/0.04m^2 and g/m^2) | 1985 | Current | Variable | Miami-Dade County Division of Environmental Resources Management (DERM) | Submerged Aquatic Vegetation, Coral/Coral Reef | SAV - Additional Indicators, SAV - Percent Cover, Coral - Percent Cover | Florida Keys NMS, Biscayne Bay | View |
4019 | Post-Hurricane Irma Rapid Assessment | SE | Belt transects and roving diver presence/absence for disease | Coral area, composition, cover, density, disease, mortality, size, size frequency, hurricane impacts | 2017 | 2017 | One-time | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA); Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP); Office of Resilience and Coastal Protection (RCP); Coral Reef Conservation Program | Coral/Coral Reef | Coral - Community Composition | Florida Keys NMS | View |
4020 | Oyster Integrated Mapping and Monitoring Program (OIMMP) Pilot Monitoring Data | NW, SW | The OIMMP report provides a summary of status and mapping and monitoring data and is not a primary data source. Primary OIMMP data includes 2017-18 pilot program data for Tampa Bay and 2021 pilot data for the Big Bend. OIMMP also contributes original mapping data to Oyster Beds in Florida (FWC-FWRI GIS Data Layers 5059) | Location, reef type, reef height and slope, percent cover, number of clusters, reef thickness (highest and average), burial depth, oyster density and shell height, associated fauna. | 2017 | 2021 | TBD | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC); Florida Fish and Wildlife Research Institute (FWRI) | Oyster/Oyster Reef | Oysters - Percent Live, Oysters - Density, Oysters - Size Class | Boca Ciega Bay, Pinellas County, Nature Coast, Big Bend Seagrasses | View |
4023 | Northwest Florida Water Management District (NWFWMD) Land Use Land Cover (LULC) | NW | GIS-based mapping and characterization of land use cover from aerial imagery. | Mapped areal extent (acres, polygon area in m^2 and polygon length in m) of many categories of land cover characteristics | 1995 | Current | Periodic | Northwest Florida Water Management District (NWFWMD) | Coastal Wetlands, Oyster/Oyster Reef | Wetlands - Acreage, Oysters - Acreage | Yellow River Marsh, Fort Pickens, Apalachicola NERR, Rocky Bayou, St. Andrews, Big Bend Seagrasses, St. Joseph Buffer, Alligator Harbor, Apalachicola Bay, St. Joseph Bay | View |
4024 | Suwannee River Water Management District (SRWMD) Land Use Land Cover (LULC) | NW | FLUCCS mapping | Mapped areal extent (acres) of many categories of land cover characteristics. Includes Coastal Wetlands, and Oysters, but not SAV. | 1988 | Current | Periodic | Suwannee River Water Management District (SRWMD) | Coastal Wetlands, Oyster/Oyster Reef | Wetlands - Acreage, Oysters - Acreage | Big Bend Seagrasses | View |
4025 | Suwannee Estuary Oyster Habitat Mapping Project | NE | Aerial photointerpretation and field surveys used to map oyster habitat in the Suwannee Estuary. Modified FDOT Florida Land Use, Cover and Forms Classification System (FLUCCS) codes were applied to categorize habitat cover identified and the minimum mapping unit was 0.5 acres. | Oyster habitat area (acres). Polygons categorized based on whether the habitat had live oysters or not and whether the polygon represented continuous oyster reef or multiple habitat patches (with oysters representing at least 75% of such polygon). | 2001 | 2001 | One-time | Suwannee River Water Management District (SRWMD) | Oyster/Oyster Reef | Oysters - Acreage | Big Bend Seagrasses | View |
4027 | Northern Coastal Basin Intercoastal Oysters | NE | GIS mapping of oyster reefs, as well as categorization of the mapped reefs as dead, live and continuous or live and aggregate (meaning either the entire mapped area is covered with oysters or the area is patchily covered, respectively) from aerial imagery. GIS data: dead/alive * does not denote gradients of health/ condition of live reef. Things mapped as live may be severely degraded. *Acreages – may not be accurate – may over or underestimate reef size due to remote sensing. | Dead/alive acreage (acres and km^2); live acreage is categorized as either aggregate or continuous; polygon perimeter (m) | 2015 | 2015 | One-time | St. Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD); University of Central Florida (UCF) | Oyster/Oyster Reef | Oysters - Acreage | Guana Tolomato Matanzas NERR, Guana River Marsh, Pellicer Creek, Nassau River-St. Johns River Marshes, Tomoka Marsh | View |
4029 | Florida Cooperative Land Cover (CLC) map | NE, NW, SE, SW | The Cooperative Land Cover Map integrates 3 primary data types: 1) 6 million acres are derived from local or site-specific data sources, primarily on existing conservation lands. Most of these sources have a ground-truth or local knowledge component. We collected land cover and vegetation data from 37 existing sources. Each dataset was evaluated for consistency and quality and assigned a confidence category that determined how it was integrated into the final land cover map. 2) 1.4 million acres are derived from areas that FNAI ecologists reviewed with high resolution aerial photograpy. These areas were reviewed because other data indicated some potential for the presence of a focal community: scrub, scrubby flatwoods, sandhill, dry prairie, pine rockland, rockland hammock, upland pine or mesic flatwoods. 3) 3.2 million acres are represented by Florida Land Use Land Cover data from the FL Department of Environmental Protection and Water Management Districts (FLUCCS). The Cooperative Land Cover Map integrates data from the following years: NWFWMD: 2006 - 07 SRWMD: 2005 - 08 SJRWMD: 2004 SFWMD: 2004 SWFWMD: 2008 All data were crosswalked into the Florida Land Cover Classification System. | land cover classes standardized into a CLC code | 2014 | Current | Periodic | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) and Florida Natural Areas Inventory (FNAI) | Coastal Wetlands | Wetlands - Acreage | Pine Island Sound, Boca Ciega Bay, Yellow River Marsh, Biscayne Bay-Cape Florida to Monroe County Line, Rookery Bay, Nassau River-St. Johns River Marshes, Apalachicola NERR, St. Joseph Bay, St. Andrews, North Fork St. Lucie, Gasparilla Sound-Charlotte Harbor, Coral ECA, Cape Haze, Rocky Bayou, Guana River Marsh, Pinellas County, Guana Tolomato Matanzas NERR, Rookery Bay NERR, Banana River, Indian River-Vero Beach to Ft. Pierce, Nature Coast, St. Joseph Buffer, Biscayne Bay, St. Martins Marsh, Cape Romano-Ten Thousand Islands, Matlacha Pass, Big Bend Seagrasses, Florida Keys NMS, Pellicer Creek, Loxahatchee River-Lake Worth Creek, Jensen Beach to Jupiter Inlet, Lignumvitae Key, Coupon Bight, Terra Ceia, Cockroach Bay, Fort Pickens, Fort Clinch, Mosquito Lagoon, Estero Bay, Apalachicola Bay, Tomoka Marsh, Indian River-Malabar to Vero Beach, Alligator Harbor, Lemon Bay | View |
4031 | National Gap Analysis Program (GAP) | NW, NE, SW, SE | Habitat type, acreage (acres, sq. miles) | 2010 | 2011 | One-time | U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) | Coastal Wetlands | Wetlands - Acreage | Alligator Harbor, Tomoka Marsh, Fort Pickens, Mosquito Lagoon, Pellicer Creek, Big Bend Seagrasses, Cape Haze, Apalachicola Bay, Nassau River-St. Johns River Marshes, Indian River-Malabar to Vero Beach, St. Joseph Bay, St. Joseph Buffer, Cockroach Bay, North Fork St. Lucie, Nature Coast, Coral ECA, Indian River-Vero Beach to Ft. Pierce, Guana River Marsh, Rookery Bay, Apalachicola NERR, St. Andrews, Lemon Bay, Gasparilla Sound-Charlotte Harbor, Biscayne Bay, Rocky Bayou, Terra Ceia, Estero Bay, Pinellas County, Cape Romano-Ten Thousand Islands, Florida Keys NMS, Banana River, Fort Clinch, Loxahatchee River-Lake Worth Creek, Pine Island Sound, Yellow River Marsh, Guana Tolomato Matanzas NERR, Matlacha Pass, St. Martins Marsh, Boca Ciega Bay, Lignumvitae Key, Biscayne Bay-Cape Florida to Monroe County Line, Rookery Bay NERR, Jensen Beach to Jupiter Inlet, Coupon Bight | View | |
4032 | Southeast Gap Analysis Project | NW, NE, SW, SE | "Multi-season satellite imagery (Landsat ETM+) from 1999-2001 were used in conjunction with digital elevation model (DEM) derived datasets (e.g. elevation, landform) to model natural and semi-natural vegetation. General land cover classes (i.e. water, urban, row crop) were included from the National Land Cover Dataset 2001... The minimum mapping unit for this dataset is 0.4 ha (1 acre). Vegetation classes were drawn from NatureServe's Ecological System Classification... Two hundred fourteen (214) land cover classes… were mapped with a variety of techniques including decision tree classifiers, unsupervised classification, and expert decision rules." (metadata.xml) | Habitat type, acreage (acres, sq. miles) | 1999 | 2001 | One-time | U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) | Coastal Wetlands | Wetlands - Acreage | Rookery Bay NERR, Cape Romano-Ten Thousand Islands, Lignumvitae Key, Coral ECA, St. Joseph Buffer, Florida Keys NMS, St. Martins Marsh, Biscayne Bay-Cape Florida to Monroe County Line, Rocky Bayou, Apalachicola NERR, Yellow River Marsh, Rookery Bay, Biscayne Bay, Nature Coast, Coupon Bight, Big Bend Seagrasses | View |
4034 | Coastal Change Analysis Program (C-CAP) | NE, NW, SE, SW | classified landsat imagery (30 m resolution), extensive field sampling (ground truthing), validation, standard quality-control review procedures, analysis of landsat data as individual dates or change detection across two dates | Landcover thematic class, percent impervious surface, percent tree canopy cover. | 1985 | Current | Periodic | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) | Coastal Wetlands | Wetlands - Acreage | St. Martins Marsh, Gasparilla Sound-Charlotte Harbor, Lemon Bay, North Fork St. Lucie, Rocky Bayou, Estero Bay, Coupon Bight, Terra Ceia, Cockroach Bay, Coral ECA, St. Andrews, Loxahatchee River-Lake Worth Creek, Cape Haze, Alligator Harbor, Indian River-Vero Beach to Ft. Pierce, Guana River Marsh, Tomoka Marsh, Pine Island Sound, Apalachicola NERR, Pinellas County, St. Joseph Bay, Pellicer Creek, Banana River, Indian River-Malabar to Vero Beach, Biscayne Bay-Cape Florida to Monroe County Line, Matlacha Pass, Jensen Beach to Jupiter Inlet, Nature Coast, Nassau River-St. Johns River Marshes, Lignumvitae Key, Apalachicola Bay, Yellow River Marsh, Boca Ciega Bay, Rookery Bay, Mosquito Lagoon, Fort Pickens, St. Joseph Buffer, Rookery Bay NERR, Big Bend Seagrasses, Cape Romano-Ten Thousand Islands, Biscayne Bay, Guana Tolomato Matanzas NERR, Fort Clinch, Florida Keys NMS | View |
4035 | 2003 Florida Vegetation and Land Cover | NE, NW, SE, SW | Remote sensing using Landsat imagery to map land cover | 2003 | 2003 | One-time | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) | Coastal Wetlands | Wetlands - Acreage | Boca Ciega Bay, Biscayne Bay, Gasparilla Sound-Charlotte Harbor, North Fork St. Lucie, Cape Romano-Ten Thousand Islands, Indian River-Malabar to Vero Beach, Pellicer Creek, Pinellas County, Fort Clinch, Biscayne Bay-Cape Florida to Monroe County Line, Tomoka Marsh, Terra Ceia, Guana Tolomato Matanzas NERR, Nature Coast, Alligator Harbor, Indian River-Vero Beach to Ft. Pierce, Guana River Marsh, Banana River, St. Joseph Bay, Cape Haze, Matlacha Pass, Jensen Beach to Jupiter Inlet, Big Bend Seagrasses, Fort Pickens, Lemon Bay, Loxahatchee River-Lake Worth Creek, Rookery Bay NERR, Florida Keys NMS, St. Andrews, Coupon Bight, Lignumvitae Key, Estero Bay, Mosquito Lagoon, St. Martins Marsh, Nassau River-St. Johns River Marshes, Cockroach Bay, Apalachicola Bay, Pine Island Sound, Coral ECA, St. Joseph Buffer, Rookery Bay, Apalachicola NERR | View | |
4040 | Benthic information | SE | GIS layers | sediment data, benthic maps (only the benthic maps are available) | 2012 | 2012 | One-time | Nova Southeastern University (NSU) | Coral/Coral Reef, Submerged Aquatic Vegetation | Coral - Acreage, SAV - Acreage | Biscayne Bay-Cape Florida to Monroe County Line, Biscayne Bay, Florida Keys NMS, Coral ECA | View |
4041 | Unified Reef Maps | SE | Compilation of existing data sources | acreage | 2013 | Current | Periodic | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commision (FWC); Florida Fish and Wildlife Research Institute (FWRI) | Submerged Aquatic Vegetation, Coral/Coral Reef, Coastal Wetlands | SAV - Acreage, Coral - Acreage, Wetlands - Acreage | Loxahatchee River-Lake Worth Creek, Biscayne Bay-Cape Florida to Monroe County Line, Biscayne Bay, Lignumvitae Key, Florida Keys NMS, Jensen Beach to Jupiter Inlet, Coral ECA, Coupon Bight | View |
4042 | Estero Bay Oyster Monitoring | SW | Quadrats placed at random locations along a transect; 1m x 1m quadrat with 100 point grid used for point-intercept evaluation of percent cover; 25cm x 25cm quadrat used for oyster density, shell height measurements. | Size class (mm), density (oysters/m^2), percent live (point-intercept method), total reef length (m), intertidal reef length (m), reef perimeter (m), reef height (cm), water temperature (deg. C), salinity, dissolved oxygen (mg/L, %), NTU, Depth, Reef type category, pH, specific conductance, conductivity | 2014 | Current | Variable | Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP); Office of Resilience and Coastal Protection (RCP); Estero Bay Aquatic Preserve | Oyster/Oyster Reef, Water Column | Oysters - Density, WaterCol - Water Quality, Oysters - Additional Indicators, Oysters - Size Class, Oysters - Percent Live | Estero Bay | View |
4043 | RBNERR Fish Assessment | SW | Bottom trawls; all fish species are recorded and enumerated as well as pink shrimp, blue crabs and stone crabs. Up to twenty standard length or carapace length or width measurements are recorded at each trawl site. GPS coordinates are taken as well as water temperature, salinity and dissolved oxygen. | Temperature (deg. C), salinity (ppt), conductivity and dissolved oxygen (mg/L), depth (m), fisheries assessment, estimated bycatch (gal.), fish standard length (mm) | 2000 | Current | Monthly | Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP); Office of Resilience and Coastal Protection (RCP); Rookery Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve | Water Column | WaterCol - Nekton, WaterCol - Water Quality | Cape Romano-Ten Thousand Islands, Rookery Bay NERR, Rookery Bay | View |
4044 | NRDA Oyster Cultch Recovery Project | NW | Restoration project monitoring. Boat positioned at pre-determined coordinates and transects extended out from the bow and port and starboard sides. Oysters collected to sediment level from five 0.25m^2 quadrats haphazardly placed along transects. Sample weight (kg), counts of live and dead oysters and shell height (to nearest mm) measured for first 100 live oysters per sample. Water temperature (deg. C), dissolved oxygen (mg/l), salinity (ppt) conductivity (uS/cm) and pH of surface and bottom waters were also measured at each location. | Total number of live oysters, total number of dead oysters with articulated shells, shell height (mm) for 100 individuals per quadrat, cultch weight (kg) | 2017 | Current | Annual | Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP); Office of Resilience and Coastal Protection (RCP); Central Panhandle Aquatic Preserves | Water Column, Oyster/Oyster Reef | WaterCol - Water Clarity, Oysters - Density, Oysters - Percent Live, Oysters - Size Class, WaterCol - Water Quality | Apalachicola Bay, Yellow River Marsh, Apalachicola NERR | View |
4045 | Rookery Bay Reserve Habitat Maps | SW | Interpretation and ground-truthing of aerial photographs from multiple sources and years. The upland mapping was also aided by aerial LiDAR survey data from 2007. Some trends were estimated in upland habitat change between 1940 and 2010, but many comparisons faced challenges associated with different georeferencing and image quality. The minimum mapping unit for the benthic habitat maps was 0.5 acres, except for oyster habitat which was 0.25 acres. Benthic habitat imagery was acquired in 2014 and ground-truthing conducted in 2015. | Benthic maps: oyster habitat area (acres), Continuous and discontinuous seagrass (acres), submerged aquatic vegetation (acres), hardbottom (acres), tunicate habitat (acres); Upland maps: acreage for 29 Level 2 and 88 Level 3 vegetation types, including coastal wetland habitats such as mangroves and salt marsh | 1940 | 2014 | Periodic | Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP); Office of Resilience and Coastal Protection (RCP); Rookery Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve | Oyster/Oyster Reef, Coastal Wetlands, Submerged Aquatic Vegetation | Oysters - Acreage, Wetlands - Acreage, SAV - Acreage | Rookery Bay, Cape Romano-Ten Thousand Islands, Rookery Bay NERR | View |
4049 | The South Florida Fisheries Habitat Assessment Program (FHAP) | SE | Random sampling (one station) in each of 29-31 fixed hexagons per polygon. Braun-Blanquet evaluation of eight 0.25-m2 quadrats at each station. | Braun-Blanquet, shoot density | 1995 | Current | Semiannual | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC); Florida Fish and Wildlife Research Institute (FWRI) | Water Column, Submerged Aquatic Vegetation | WaterCol - Water Quality, SAV - Percent Cover | Florida Keys NMS, Biscayne Bay | View |
4054 | Guana Tolomato Matanzas National Estuarine Research Reserve System-Wide Monitoring Program | NE | see metadata | water temperature (°C), specific conductivity (mS/cm), salinity (psu), dissolved oxygen (%), dissolved oxygen (mg/L), depth (m), pH and turbidity (NTU/FNU), Chlorophyll a (µg/L), Uncorrected Chlorophyll a (µg/L), TN (mg/L), NO23 (mg/L), NH4 (mg/L), NO2 (mg/L), NO3 (mg/L), TKN (mg/L), DIN (mg/L), TON (mg/L), DOC (mg/L), fecal coliform (cfu), TP (mg/L), PO4 (mg/L), TSS (mg/L), secchi (m), color (pcu), Kd (m-1), Irradiance (µmole photons/m2/s, discrete - water temperature (°C), discrete - salinity (psu), discrete - dissolved oxygen (mg/L), discrete - pH | 2001 | Current | Continuous | Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP); Office of Resilience and Coastal Protection (RCP); Guana Tolomato Matanzas National Estuarine Research Reserve (GTMNERR); NOAA National Estuarine Research Reserve System (NERRS) | Water Column | WaterCol - Water Quality, WaterCol - Nutrients, WaterCol - Water Clarity | Pellicer Creek, Guana River Marsh, Guana Tolomato Matanzas NERR | View |
4057 | Biscayne Bay Water Watch | SE | Discrete water samples collected by hand by trained volunteers. | Dissolved oxygen (mg/L), Temperature (deg. C), pH, Salinity (ppt), Depth (m) | 2015 | 2019 | Monthly | University of Florida; Florida Sea Grant; UF/IFAS Extension Miami-Dade County; Miami Waterkeeper | Water Column | WaterCol - Water Quality | Florida Keys NMS, Biscayne Bay | View |
4058 | City of Miami Beach Water Monitoring | SE | grab samples and handheld sonde | Dissolved oxygen (mg/L), temperature (deg. C), pH, salinity (ppt), NH4 (mg/L), nitrogen (kjeldahl, mg/L), total phosphorus (mg/L), NO2 + NO3 (mg/L), total nitrogen (mg/L), turbidity (NTU), fecal coliform (CFU/100mL), residual chlorine (mg/L), Enterococci (MPN/100mL), specific conductance (umhos/cm), total residual chlorine (mg/L), oxidation potential (mV) | 2016 | Current | Monthly | City of Miami Beach | Water Column | WaterCol - Water Quality, WaterCol - Nutrients, WaterCol - Water Clarity | Biscayne Bay | View |
4063 | Estero Bay Tributary Monitoring | SW | Grab samples | Biological oxygen demand (mg/L), Calcium (mg/L), Chloride (mg/L), Chlorophyll a (mg/m^3), Dissolved oxygen (DO; mg/L), Enterococcus Group Bacteria (cfu/100mL), Fecal Coliform (cfu/100mL), Hardness (Ca + Mg; mg/L CaCO3), Iron (mg/L), Magnesium (mg/L), Nitrogen ion (N; mg/L), Nitrogen (Kjeldahl; mg/L), Nitrogen (NO3 as N; mg/L), Nitrogen (NO2 + NO3; mg/L), Nitrogen (NO2; mg/L), Nitrogen (NH4; mg/L), Nitrogen (organic; mg/L). Pheophytin-a (mg/m^3), Phosphorus (mg/L), Phosphorus (orthophosphate; mg/L), Salinity (ppt, PSS), Secchi disk depth (m), Silica (mg/L), Specific conductance (mS/cm), Temperature (deg. C), Total Suspended Solids (TSS; mg/L), True Color (PCU), Turbidity (NTU), pH, Arsenic (ug/L), Boron (ug/L), Cadmium (ug/L), Copper (ug/L), Lead (ug/L), Antimony (ug/L), Nickel (ug/L), Molybdenum (ug/L), Manganese (mg/L), Chromium (ug/L), Magnesium (mg/L), Silica (mg/L), Vanadium (ug/L), Copper (ug/L), Aluminum (mg/L), Selenium (ug/L), Thallium (ug/L), Beryllium (ug/L), Zinc (ug/L) | 2003 | Current | Monthly | Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP); Florida Division of Environmental Assessment and Restoration (DEAR); Lee County Environmental Lab; Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP); Office of Resilience and Coastal Protection (RCP); Estero Bay Aquatic Preserve | Water Column | WaterCol - Nutrients, WaterCol - Additional Indicators, WaterCol - Water Clarity, WaterCol - Water Quality | Estero Bay | View |
4064 | A spatial model to improve site selection for seagrass restoration in shallow boating environments | SW | 50 locations in Estero Bay selected in a random stratified manner. At each sampling event, three paired surface/sumberged Li-Cor PAR measurements were taken 25cm above the bottom, along with water quality parameter measurements with a YSI multiprobe. Water depth was also measured. The study also included a survey of boaters to determine most common boating routes through Estero Bay as well as bathymetry data and model validation based on SAV coverage from aerial imagery provided by the Southwest Florida Water Management District. | Water temperature (deg. C), salinity (ppt), dissolved oxygen (% and mg/L), depth (cm), PAR (umol photons/m^2/s), light attenuation (% light at depth, Kd), soil water (%), soil organic matter (avg. %), sand (%), Silt/Clay (%), qualitative observations of vegetation type and density | 2011 | 2012 | Semimonthly | SeaGrant; University of Florida | Water Column, Submerged Aquatic Vegetation | WaterCol - Water Quality, SAV - Additional Indicators, WaterCol - Water Clarity | Estero Bay | View |
4065 | Northwest Florida Aquatic Preserve Seagrass Survey | NW | Monitoring is conducted at 25 fixed sites twice annually (late May to early October) during the growing season. At each fixed site, a square meter quadrat is haphazardly thrown within the vicinity of submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV). Data from four quadrats is collected per site. This data includes species present, Braun-Blanquet for SAV and algae composition (by species and overall). Within each quadrat, blade length for 4 random representations for each species is conducted. Site are assessed using a modified 6-point Braun-Blanquet scale (0-5): 0 - No SAV, 1 - < 5%, 2 - 5 to 25%, 3 - 25 to 50%, 4 - 50 to 75%, 5 - 75 to 100%. Other qualitative data found within a quadrat are recorded including epiphyte density, sediment type, and presence of fish, crab, etc. | species comp, abundance (Modified Braun-Blanquet), blade length (in.), epiphytes (light, moderate, heavy), sediment type, temperature (deg. C), salinity (ppt), DO (mg/L), PAR (mmol), secchi depth, depth (m) | 2016 | Current | Semiannual | Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP); Office of Resilience and Coastal Protection (RCP); Northwest Aquatic Preserves | Submerged Aquatic Vegetation, Water Column | SAV - Percent Cover, SAV - Additional Indicators, WaterCol - Water Clarity, WaterCol - Water Quality | Fort Pickens | View |
4067 | Tampa Bay Benthic Monitoring | SW | grab samples for sediment | Temperature (deg. C), dissolved oxygen (% and mg/L), conductivity, pH, salinity (psu), depth (m), % silt/clay, sediment contaminant concentrations, macrobenthic invertebrate species richness, abundance and diversity | 1993 | Current | Annual | Tampa Bay Estuary Program | Water Column | WaterCol - Water Quality | Cockroach Bay, Terra Ceia, Boca Ciega Bay, Pinellas County | View |
5002 | Florida STORET / WIN | NE, NW, SE, SW | varies | all water quality parameters, depending on organization (orgID) providing data | Varies | Current | Variable | Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) | Water Column | WaterCol - Water Quality, WaterCol - Nutrients, WaterCol - Water Clarity | Loxahatchee River-Lake Worth Creek, Apalachicola NERR, Jensen Beach to Jupiter Inlet, Fort Pickens, Lemon Bay, Yellow River Marsh, St. Martins Marsh, Indian River-Vero Beach to Ft. Pierce, Guana River Marsh, Estero Bay, Cape Romano-Ten Thousand Islands, Mosquito Lagoon, Coral ECA, St. Joseph Bay, Cape Haze, North Fork St. Lucie, Biscayne Bay, St. Andrews, Guana Tolomato Matanzas NERR, Cockroach Bay, Nassau River-St. Johns River Marshes, Pinellas County, Nature Coast, Big Bend Seagrasses, Tomoka Marsh, Coupon Bight, Pine Island Sound, Boca Ciega Bay, Lignumvitae Key, Biscayne Bay-Cape Florida to Monroe County Line, Rookery Bay NERR, Alligator Harbor, Matlacha Pass, Fort Clinch, Pellicer Creek, Florida Keys NMS, Rocky Bayou, Apalachicola Bay, St. Joseph Buffer, Indian River-Malabar to Vero Beach, Terra Ceia, Banana River, Rookery Bay, Gasparilla Sound-Charlotte Harbor | View |
5005 | Indian River Lagoon Aquatic Preserves Continuous Water Quality Monitoring | NE | 30-minute data collections at fixed stations using YSI 6600 data sondes | water temperature (°C), specific conductivity (mS/cm), salinity (psu), dissolved oxygen (%), dissolved oxygen (mg/L), depth (m), pH and turbidity (NTU) | 2003 | 2008 | Continuous | Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP); Office of Resilience and Coastal Protection (RCP); Indian River Lagoon Aquatic Preserves | Water Column | WaterCol - Water Clarity, WaterCol - Water Quality | Indian River-Malabar to Vero Beach | View |
5006 | Northeast Aquatic Preserves Continuous Water Quality Monitoring | NE | 30-minute data collections at fixed stations using YSI 6600 data sondes | water temperature (°C), specific conductivity (mS/cm), salinity (psu), dissolved oxygen (%), dissolved oxygen (mg/L), depth (m), pH and turbidity (NTU) | 2004 | Current | Continuous | Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP); Office of Resilience and Coastal Protection (RCP); Northeast Florida Aquatic Preserves | Water Column | WaterCol - Water Clarity, WaterCol - Water Quality | Nassau River-St. Johns River Marshes | View |
5007 | RESTORE Oyster Cultch Recovery | NW | Restoration project monitoring. Boat positioned at pre-determined coordinates and transects extended out from the bow and port and starboard sides. Oysters collected to sediment level from five 0.25m^2 quadrats haphazardly placed along transects. Sample weight (kg), counts of live and dead oysters and shell height (to nearest mm) measured for first 100 live oysters per sample. Water temperature (deg. C), dissolved oxygen (mg/l), salinity (ppt) and pH of surface and bottom waters were also measured at each location. | Total number of live oysters, total number of dead oysters with articulated shells, shell height (mm) for 100 individuals per quadrat, cultch weight (kg) | 2018 | 2021 | Annual | Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP); Office of Resilience and Coastal Protection (RCP); Central Panhandle Aquatic Preserves | Oyster/Oyster Reef | Oysters - Percent Live, Oysters - Size Class, Oysters - Density | Apalachicola NERR, Apalachicola Bay | View |
5008 | Project COAST (Coastal Assessment Team) - Springs Coast Ecosystem Region | NW | Grab sample, filtration, and light attenuation | depth (m), vertical secchi (m), temp (*C), salinity (ppt), DO (mg/L and %), pH (SU), total N, total P, light attenuation, chlorophyll a, and color (light attenuation data are not available in historic STORET dataset) | 1997 | Current | Monthly | University of Florida (UF); Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP); Office of Resilience and Coastal Protection (RCP); Big Bend Seagrasses Aquatic Preserves / Nature Coast Aquatic Preserve | Water Column | WaterCol - Water Clarity, WaterCol - Nutrients, WaterCol - Water Quality | Big Bend Seagrasses, Pinellas County, St. Martins Marsh, Nature Coast | View |
5009 | Apalachicola Emergent Marsh Vegetation Monitoring | NW | Fixed transects | Species composition, % cover, blade length, density, canopy height | 2014 | Current | Semiannual | Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP); Office of Resilience and Coastal Protection (RCP); Apalachicola National Estuarine Research Reserve | Coastal Wetlands | Wetlands - Species Composition | Apalachicola Bay, Apalachicola NERR | View |
5010 | Apalachicola Intertidal Oyster Project | NW | quadrat | % Cover, % Live, Invert comp | 2018 | Current | Annual | Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP); Office of Resilience and Coastal Protection (RCP); Apalachicola National Estuarine Research Reserve | Oyster/Oyster Reef | Oysters - Additional Indicators, Oysters - Density, Oysters - Percent Live | Apalachicola NERR, Apalachicola Bay | View |
5014 | Guana River and Guana Lake Water Quality Monitoring | NE | Grab Samples | Total nitrogen (mg/L), NO2 + NO3 (mg/L), NH4 (mg/L), dissolved organic nitrogen (mg/L), fecal coliform (CFU/100mL), total phosphorus (mg/L), PO4 (mg/L), chlorophyll a (ug/L), chlorophyll b (ug/L), chlorophyll c (ug/L), pheophytin (ug/L), total kjeldahl nitrogen (mg/L), total dissolved kjeldahl nitrogen (mg/L), Enterococcus (MPN/100mL), temperature (deg. C), specific conductance (uS/cm), pH, dissolved oxygen (% and mg/L)), salinity (ppt) | 2017 | Current | Monthly | Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP); Office of Resilience and Coastal Protection (RCP); Guana Tolomato Matanzas National Estuarine Research Reserve (GTMNERR); Friends of GTM; Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) | Water Column | WaterCol - Water Quality, WaterCol - Water Clarity, WaterCol - Nutrients | Guana River Marsh, Guana Tolomato Matanzas NERR | View |
5015 | GTMNERR Mangrove Monitoring | NE | shore-to-upland transects with evenly-spaced whole plots and subplots | species composition, percent cover (%), canopy ht (cm), trunk diameter (mm), stem density (#/m^2), widest axis (cm), narrowest axis (cm) | 2012 | Current | Semiannual | Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP); Office of Resilience and Coastal Protection (RCP); Guana Tolomato Matanzas National Estuarine Research Reserve (GTMNERR) | Coastal Wetlands | Wetlands - Additional Indicators, Wetlands - Species Composition | Guana Tolomato Matanzas NERR | View |
5016 | NEAP Monthly Water Quality Monitoring | NE | DEAR Sampling Protocols | Temperature (deg. C), salinity (ppt), specific conductance (umho/cm, mS/cm), dissolved oxygen (mg/L), pH, nitrogen (NO2 + NO3; mg/L), nitrogen (kjeldahl; mg/L), phosphorus (mg/L), chlororphyll a (corrected and uncorrected for pheophytin; ug/L), pheophytin a (ug/L) | 2014 | Current | Monthly | Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP); Office of Resilience and Coastal Protection (RCP); Northeast Florida Aquatic Preserves; Division of Environmental Assessment and Restoration | Water Column | WaterCol - Additional Indicators, WaterCol - Nutrients, WaterCol - Water Quality | Nassau River-St. Johns River Marshes, Fort Clinch, Guana River Marsh, Guana Tolomato Matanzas NERR | View |
5017 | Northern Coastal Basins and Mosquito Lagoon Oyster Condition Assessment | NE | See attached protocol. | Location, reef type, reef height and slope, percent cover, number of clusters, reef thickness (highest and average), burial depth, oyster density and shell height, associated fauna. | 2015 | 2017 | TBD | St. Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD); Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP); Office of Resilience and Coastal Protection (RCP); Guana Tolomato Matanzas National Estuarine Research Reserve (GTMNERR), University of Central Florida, and the University of Florida. | Oyster/Oyster Reef | Oysters - Size Class, Oysters - Additional Indicators, Oysters - Density, Oysters - Percent Live | Tomoka Marsh, Nassau River-St. Johns River Marshes, Guana River Marsh, Guana Tolomato Matanzas NERR, Mosquito Lagoon | View |
5021 | Estero Bay Rookery Monitoring | SW | Direct count | nest counts (species and status), wind speed (m/s), air temperature (deg. C), cloud cover (%) | 1977 | Current | Monthly | Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP); Office of Resilience and Coastal Protection (RCP); Estero Bay Aquatic Preserve | RCP Program not part of SEACAR analysis | RCP Program not part of SEACAR analysis - Additional Indicators | Estero Bay | View |
5026 | North Biscayne Bay Seagrass Loss Water Quality Program | SE | bottle/pole grabs (surface and at depth), quarterly datasonde (surface and at depth) | Water quality datasonde: secchi depth (cm), Chlorophyll (ug/l), Conductivity (µS/cm), Depth (m), nLF Conductivity (µS/cm), ODO (% saturation & % local & mg/L), Pressure (psi a), Salinity (psu), Special Conductivity (µS/cm), TDS (mg/L) Turbidity (FNU), Total Suspended Solids (mg/L), pH (# & mV), Temperature (°C), Vertical Position (m). Water quality bottle grabs: Chlorophyll a (ug/L), Organic Carbon (mg C/L), Ammonia-N (mg N/L), NO2NO3-N (mg N/L), Kjeldahl Nitrogen (mg N/L), Total-P (mg P/L), TSS (ug/L), Sucralose (ug/L), AMPA (ug/L), Acesulfame K (ug/L), Endothall (ug/L), Glufosinate (ug/L), Glyphosate (ug/L), 2 4-D (ug/L), Acetaminophen (ug/L), Bentazon (ug/L), Carbamazepine (ug/L), Diuron (ug/L), Fenuron (ug/L), Fluridone (ug/L), Hydrocodone (ug/L), Ibuprofen (ug/L), Imazapyr (ug/L), Imidacloprid (ug/L), Linuron (ug/L), MCPP (ug/L), Naproxen (ug/L), Primidone (ug/L), Pyraclostrobin (ug/L), Triclopyr (ug/L). In addition as of August 2019, Acetamiprid (ug/L), Afidopyropen (ug/L), Benzovindiflupyr (ug/L), Clothianidin (ug/L), Dinotefuran (ug/L), Mandestrobin (ug/L), Thiamethoxam (ug/L), and Tolfenpyrad (ug/L). During August 2020 fish kill event additionally BOD (mg/L), Sulfate (mg SO4/L), and Sulfide (mg/L). | 2019 | Current | Monthly | Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP); Office of Resilience and Coastal Protection (RCP); Biscayne Bay Aquatic Preserves | Water Column | WaterCol - Nutrients, WaterCol - Additional Indicators, WaterCol - Water Clarity, WaterCol - Water Quality | Biscayne Bay | View |
5027 | North Biscayne Bay Seagrass Loss Monitoring Program | SE | 2 quads are randomly placed in each cardinal direction for a total of 8 replicate quads per site. Braun-Blanquet methodology is used to collect data in each quad. | Tissue sampling: SAV species presence, SAV isotopic analysis (%N, %C, %P, d13C, d15N, d34S, C:N, C:P, N:P), SAV sample biomass (g) & epiphyte biomass (g). Benthic monitoring: Braun-Blanquet (cover-abundance scale), percent cover (%), shoot count (#), canopy height (cm), sediment depth (cm). Sediment grain: particle size (mm) as a % volume <2mm, particle size (mm) as a % volume >2mm, organic sediment (% dry weight). Site parameters: depth (ft), current (none, light, mod, strong), visibility (ft), substrate type, sediment depth (cm). Water quality: secchi depth (cm), Chlorophyll (ug/l), Conductivity (µS/cm), Depth (m), nLF Conductivity (µS/cm), ODO (% saturation & % local & mg/L), Pressure (psi a), Salinity (psu), Special Conductivity (µS/cm), TDS (mg/L) Turbidity (FNU), Total Suspended Solids (mg/L), pH (# & mV), Temperature (°C), Vertical Position (m). | 2018 | Current | Semiannual | Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP); Office of Resilience and Coastal Protection (RCP); Biscayne Bay Aquatic Preserves | Coral/Coral Reef, Submerged Aquatic Vegetation | Coral - Percent Cover, SAV - Additional Indicators, SAV - Percent Cover | Biscayne Bay | View |
5028 | Charlotte Harbor Aquatic Preserves Monthly Water Quality Program | SW | grab samples | Chlorophyll a (ug/L), NH3 (mg N/L), NO2 + NO3 (mg N/L), nitrogen (kjeldahl; mg N/L), total phosphorous (mg/L); pheophytin a (mg/L) | 2006 | Current | Monthly | Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP); Office of Resilience and Coastal Protection (RCP); Charlotte Harbor Aquatic Preserves | Water Column | WaterCol - Water Clarity, WaterCol - Nutrients, WaterCol - Additional Indicators | Gasparilla Sound-Charlotte Harbor, Matlacha Pass, Cape Haze | View |
5030 | A Comparison of Side-Scan Sonar and Aerial Photography for Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Mapping | SW | side scan sonar and aerial photography | acreage (acres, hectares); seagrass presence or absence | 2005 | 2005 | One-time | Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP); Office of Resilience and Coastal Protection (RCP); Rookery Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve | Submerged Aquatic Vegetation | SAV - Acreage | Rookery Bay, Rookery Bay NERR | View |
5033 | Southeast Florida Water Quality Assessment Survey | SE | Grab water samples sent for laboratory analysis of nutrients, turbidity, and total suspended solids. Salinity measured with refractometer. | Total Nitrogen, Nitrate/Nitrite, Ammonium, Total Phosphorus, Orthophosphate, Silica, Total Suspended Solids, Turbidity, and Salinity. | 2016 | Current | Monthly | Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP); Office of Resilience and Coastal Protection (RCP); Coral Reef Conservation Program | Water Column | WaterCol - Additional Indicators, WaterCol - Water Quality, WaterCol - Water Clarity | Coral ECA | View |
5034 | Reef Visual Census (RVC) 5 year Assessment of benthic habitat and fish populations | SE | Fish community surveys using a stratified, random sampling design on hard bottom and coral reef habitats using the RVC point count method. | Species composition, density, size, abundance, species richness, species diversity, habitat type, rugosity. | 2012 | 2016 | Annual | Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP); Office of Resilience and Coastal Protection (RCP); Coral Reef Conservation Program | RCP Program not part of SEACAR analysis, Coral/Coral Reef | RCP Program not part of SEACAR analysis - Additional Indicators, Coral - Grazers and Reef Dependent Species | Loxahatchee River-Lake Worth Creek, Coral ECA, Jensen Beach to Jupiter Inlet | View |
5035 | Historical Oyster Body Size (HOBS) Study | NE, NW, SW | 25cm x 25cm x 35cm (L x W x D) hand cores, sampled as two 10cm depth intervals starting at 15cm depth. Heights of left valves estimated to be at least 90% complete measured in mm with calipers. | body size (left valve height in mm), size class (oysters >20mm in size), radiocarbon age | 2018 | 2018 | One-time | Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP); Office of Resilience and Coastal Protection (RCP) | Oyster/Oyster Reef | Oysters - Size Class, Oysters - Percent Live | Lemon Bay, Guana River Marsh, Guana Tolomato Matanzas NERR, Apalachicola Bay, Big Bend Seagrasses, Indian River-Vero Beach to Ft. Pierce, Estero Bay, Apalachicola NERR | View |
5040 | Coral Disease Monitoring Sentinel Sites | SE | 1 m belt transects across monitoring plots ranging from 5m x 5m to 10m x 10m. In total there are 8 monitoring plots (2 replicates at each of 4 sites). | Coral species (>10cm), Coral location, Size (L, W, H), # Tissue isolates, Old mortality (% affected), Recent mortality (% affected), Disease (% affected), Bleaching status | 2018 | 2020 | Monthly | Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP); Office of Resilience and Coastal Protection (RCP); Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary; Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) | Coral/Coral Reef | Coral - Percent Cover, Coral - Community Composition | Florida Keys NMS | View |
5042 | 2017 Coral Disease Boundary Survey | SE | Belt Transects and Roving Diver Surveys | Belt Transects: Coral species (>4cm), Size (L, W, H), # Tissue isolates, Old mortality (% affected), Recent mortality (% affected), Disease (% affected), Bleaching status. Roving Diver Surveys: Species, # Diseased, # Not diseased, Recent mortality | 2017 | 2018 | One-time | Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP); Office of Resilience and Coastal Protection (RCP); Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary; Nova Southeastern University (NSU) | Coral/Coral Reef | Coral - Community Composition | Florida Keys NMS | View |
5045 | SE FL ECA Large Coral Inventory | SE | Live corals greater than 2 m diameter identified during reconnaissance were assessed by SCUBA divers. High resolution photographs and video were collected of the coral as a permanent record of its condition. Photographs were taken systematically at each of the four main compass headings (north, east, south, and west) and from overhead. In cases where the coral was too large or the visibility was poor, multiple pictures of the coral were taken at a closer distance. Divers then estimated the percent live tissue cover and percent recent and old dead skeleton remaining, percentage of bleached tissue, percentage of diseased tissue, and the number of tissue isolates. Each coral was then measured using a rigid meter stick was used to measure height, the linear distance along the longest axis, and the widest axis perpendicular to the first axis and a measuring tape to measure the distance over the surface of the coral. | Colony condition: size, % live tissue, % dead skeleton, # of tissue isolates, % bleached, % diseased | 2007 | 2020 | Monthly | Nova Southeastern University (NSU); Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP); Office of Resilience and Coastal Protection (RCP); Coral Reef Conservation Program; NOAA Coral Reef Conservation Program | Coral/Coral Reef | Coral - Percent Cover, Coral - Additional Indicators | Biscayne Bay-Cape Florida to Monroe County Line, Coral ECA | View |
5046 | Characterization of Acropora cervicornis Patches | SE | Transect monitoring - This study acquired population and condition data in the densest location of all thirty-five dense patches. At each site we conducted four non-overlapping 30 m transects where allowable by patch size. Where patches did not accommodate the full transect length (Sites 16, 18, 23, and 29), the transects were cut short and the number of assessed quadrats was noted. In a 1 m² quadrat placed at meter intervals along each transect we estimated % live Acropora, % dead Acropora, % disease/recent dead Acropora, % Acropora rubble, number of live Acropora fragments, prevalence of Acropora disease, fireworm predation, and damselfish gardens (Figure 3). Care was taken not to double count incidences of disease, fireworm predation, and damselfish gardens between quadrats. All other stony coral species >4 cm diameter were identified and measured. In the rare occasion that the transects had an extreme density of small Porites astreoides colonies, only three transects were assessed for other stony corals. Qualitative video footage and photographs were collected. | Transect data of ACER patches: % live Acropora, % dead Acropora, % diesease/recent dead Acropora, % Acropora rubble, # of live Acropora fragments, Prevalence of Acropora disease, fireowrm predation, damselfish gardens, All other coral species (>4cm) identified and measured | 2015 | 2015 | One-time | Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP); Office of Resilience and Coastal Protection (RCP); Coral Reef Conservation Program; Nova Southeastern University (NSU) | Coral/Coral Reef | Coral - Grazers and Reef Dependent Species | Coral ECA | View |
5054 | Project Green Shores | NW | Surface water samples are collected at 14 GPS fixed locations in and around Project GreenShores. Surface water grab samples are collected following DEP-SOP-001/1 FS 2100 Surface Water Sampling. The sampling technique laid out in FS 2110 is used consisting of a combination of direct grab samples and sampling using an intermediate container due to preservation in two sample bottles. A total of 4 samples is collected per site. | Apparent color, Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD), Chlorophyll a corrected for pheophytin, Chlorophyll a uncorrected for pheophytin, Chlorophyll/Pheophytin ratio, Cloud cover, Depth, Dissolved Oxygen (DO), Enterococcus group bacteria, Fecal coliform, Fixed solids, Nitrogen ammonia, Nitrogen Kjeldahl, Nitrogen Nitrite (NO2) + Nitrate (NO3), pH, Pheophytin-a, Phosphorous, Salinity, Secchi disk depth, Specific conductance, Temperature in air and water, Total coliform, Total Suspended Solids (TSS), True color, Turbidity, Wind direction, Wind velocity | 2002 | Current | Quarterly | Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP); Office of Resilience and Coastal Protection (RCP); Northwest Florida Aquatic Preserves | Water Column | WaterCol - Water Clarity, WaterCol - Nutrients, WaterCol - Water Quality | View | |
5058 | Southeast Florida Coral Reef Initiative (SEFCRI) Water Quality Monitoring Report | SE | Grab water samples sent for laboratory analysis of nutrients, turbidity, chlorophyll a, and total suspended solids. Depth, temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, and photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) measured with Seabird CTD. Vertical light attenuation coefficient calculated as a log function from PAR. 2016-present: Salinity measured with refractometer. | Depth (m), salinity (psu), temperature (deg. C), dissolved oxygen (mg/L), turbidity (NTU), light attenuation (Kd in m^-1), nitrate (mg/L), nitrite (mg/L), ammonium (mg/L), dissolved inorganic nitrogen (mg/L), soluble reactive phosphate (mg/L), total nitrogen (mg/L), total organic nitrogen (mg/L), total organic carbon (mg/L), total phosphorus (mg/L), silicate (mg/L), and chlorophyll a (ug/L) | 2009 | 2011 | Quarterly | Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP); Office of Resilience and Coastal Protection (RCP); Coral Reef Conservation Program | Water Column | WaterCol - Water Quality, WaterCol - Nutrients, WaterCol - Water Clarity | Coral ECA | View |
5059 | FWC-FWRI GIS Data Layers | NE, NW, SE, SW | Data compilations from various sources, dates, and methods. In cases of overlapping maps, the newest data were used such that all polygons are the most current data available for the particular area being mapped. | Habitat (Seagrass, Coral, Oyster) area (polygon area in internal units squared); oyster habitat condition (live, dead, restored) - category only present if data were available in the original source. | 1986 | Current | Variable | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC); Florida Fish and Wildlife Research Institute (FWRI) | Submerged Aquatic Vegetation, Coral/Coral Reef, Oyster/Oyster Reef | SAV - Acreage, Coral - Acreage, Oysters - Acreage | Apalachicola Bay, Guana River Marsh, Coupon Bight, Cockroach Bay, Indian River-Malabar to Vero Beach, Terra Ceia, Matlacha Pass, Loxahatchee River-Lake Worth Creek, Florida Keys NMS, Fort Pickens, Cape Haze, Indian River-Vero Beach to Ft. Pierce, St. Joseph Bay, Pinellas County, Cape Romano-Ten Thousand Islands, Lignumvitae Key, Lemon Bay, Mosquito Lagoon, Rookery Bay, Biscayne Bay-Cape Florida to Monroe County Line, Banana River, Rookery Bay NERR, Tomoka Marsh, St. Andrews, Estero Bay, Nature Coast, Pellicer Creek, Jensen Beach to Jupiter Inlet, Biscayne Bay, Coral ECA, North Fork St. Lucie, Gasparilla Sound-Charlotte Harbor, St. Martins Marsh, Guana Tolomato Matanzas NERR, Big Bend Seagrasses, Apalachicola NERR, Nassau River-St. Johns River Marshes, Pine Island Sound, Boca Ciega Bay, Yellow River Marsh, St. Joseph Buffer, Alligator Harbor | View |
5061 | St. Johns River Water Management District Continuous Water Quality Programs | NE | dissolved oxygen (mg/L), dissolved oxygen saturation (%), pH, salinity (ppt), specific conductance (µS/cm), turbidity (NTU-6600, FNU-EXO), water temperature (°C), fluorescent dissolved organic matter (ppb QSU), chlorophyll (RFU) data available upon request | 1987 | Current | Continuous | St. Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD) | Water Column | WaterCol - Water Quality, WaterCol - Nutrients, WaterCol - Additional Indicators, WaterCol - Water Clarity | Banana River, Nassau River-St. Johns River Marshes | View | |
5062 | FDEP Bureau of Survey and Mapping Continuous Water Quality Program | NE, NW, SE | 1. Stevens Water DL3000 Data Logger 2. Aquatrak ( Water Level Sensor ) 3. Greenspan EC250 4. Vaisala WXT520 | Date / Time (EST) Battery (v) Water Temp (F) Water Conductivity (mS/cm) Water Salinity (ppt) Air Temp (F) Relative Humidity (%) Barometric Pressure (in/Hg) Rainfall (in) NAVD88 Water Level (ft) | 2011 | 2021 | Continuous | Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP); Division of State Lands; Bureau of Survey and Mapping | Water Column | WaterCol - Water Clarity, WaterCol - Water Quality | Guana Tolomato Matanzas NERR, Guana River Marsh | View |
5063 | Distribution and Condition of Intertidal Eastern Oyster (Crassostrea virginica) Reefs in Apalachicola Bay Florida Based on High-Resolution Satellite Imagery | NW | Random quadrat method: total weight of live and dead oysters, counts of live oysters and shell height (nearest mm) for a minimum of 30 randomly selected live oysters assessed from three randomly placed 0.1 m^2 quadrats per reef. Reef area assessed from aerial imagery taken in 2015 as part of a different study and revised based on the ground-truthing (this study). | Acreage (hectares and acres), density (oysters/m^2), shell height (mm) | 2016 | 2016 | One-time | University of New Hampshire | Oyster/Oyster Reef | Oysters - Acreage, Oysters - Density, Oysters - Size Class | Apalachicola NERR, Apalachicola Bay | View |
5068 | South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) Land Use Land Cover (LULC) | SE, SW | Standard FLUCCS protocol, resolution of data differ for earlier years | FLUCCS Codes for habitat and LULC, acreage | 1995 | Current | Periodic | South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) | Coastal Wetlands | Wetlands - Acreage | Rookery Bay, Lignumvitae Key, Gasparilla Sound-Charlotte Harbor, Estero Bay, Rookery Bay NERR, Biscayne Bay, Loxahatchee River-Lake Worth Creek, Matlacha Pass, Jensen Beach to Jupiter Inlet, Lemon Bay, Cape Romano-Ten Thousand Islands, Indian River-Vero Beach to Ft. Pierce, Coupon Bight, North Fork St. Lucie, Cape Haze, Florida Keys NMS, Pine Island Sound, Coral ECA | View |
5069 | St. Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD) Land Use Land Cover (LULC) | NE | FLUCCS procedures, varies data resolution | FLUCCS Codes for habitat and LULC, acreage (ac) | 1973 | Current | Periodic | St. Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD) | Coastal Wetlands | Wetlands - Acreage | Guana River Marsh, Nassau River-St. Johns River Marshes, Banana River, Fort Clinch, Tomoka Marsh, Pellicer Creek, Indian River-Vero Beach to Ft. Pierce, Mosquito Lagoon, Indian River-Malabar to Vero Beach, Guana Tolomato Matanzas NERR | View |
5070 | Prehistoric baseline reveals substantial decline of oyster reef condition in a Gulf of Mexico conservation priority area - modern oyster data | NW | A total of 21 modern oyster reefs were sampled over the course of two years. On each oyster reef, a 0.25 m^2 quadrat was randomly placed near the reef crest and a second near mean low water. Quadrat areas were excavated to 10cm depth and oysters were bagged and transported back to laboratory for measurement. Live oysters were separated from dead shell and shell height measured using vernier calipers. Only oysters >35mm were recorded and reported here. | Oyster body size (i.e., Shell height, mm); density (#/0.25m^2) | 2015 | 2016 | One-time | University of South Florida | Oyster/Oyster Reef | Oysters - Size Class | St. Martins Marsh, Nature Coast | View |
5071 | Oyster shell heights and taxonomic diversity in 2015-2017 among previously documented oiled and non-oiled reefs in Louisiana, Alabama, and the Florida panhandle | NW | Three 0.25m^2 quadrats deployed at each site and the top 10cm of material excavated from each. Up to 20 live oysters in each of three size classes were measured: spat (0-25mm), seed (25-75mm) and market (>75mm). All oysters were enumerated by size class and associated taxa in each sample were identified and enumerated. High abundance samples were subsampled - 25% enumerated and then multiplied by four to calculate density value. | Oyster shell height (mm), water temperature (C), salinity (ppt), dissolved oxygen (mg/L), density of oysters per size class and approximately 45 other taxa (#/0.25m^2) | 2015 | 2017 | Annual | Alabama Center for Ecological Resilience (ACER) | Water Column, Oyster/Oyster Reef | WaterCol - Water Quality, Oysters - Size Class, Oysters - Density | Apalachicola Bay, Apalachicola NERR | View |
5072 | Prehistoric baseline reveals substantial decline of oyster reef condition in a Gulf of Mexico conservation priority area - archaeological oyster data | NW | Shells were collected from a series of trenches dug into middens at the Crystal River archaeological site. The trenches were 1m wide and ranged from 2m-6m in length. They were excavated in 1m x 1m spatial intervals and 10cm depth intervals. 0.32cm sieves were used to extract the shell. Shell heights of all left valves >35mm were measured using vernier calipers. | Oyster shell height (mm) | 2012 | 2013 | One-time | University of South Florida | Oyster/Oyster Reef | Oysters - Size Class | St. Martins Marsh | View |
5073 | Deepwater Horizon NRDA Oyster Technical Working Group Oyster Quadrat Abundance Sampling | NW | Quadrat sampling locations chosen based on both historical sampling and previously randomly selected areas. At each sample location four haphazardly placed 1m^2 or 0.25m^2 quadrats were assessed, except for nearshore/intertidal surveys, for which quadrat placements were selected as random distances along transects perpendicular to the shoreline. All oyster material was collected within the quadrat area down to 3-4cm into the reef. The samples were kept on ice until processing when the abundance of oysters 10-25mm (spat), 25-75mm (seed) and >75mm (market) was enumerated. Sizes were verified with rulers and calipers. The process was repeated for live and dead oysters. The shell heights of the first 20 randomly selected oysters in each size category were measured to the nearest mm. Other associated species were also enumerated (#/1m^2 or #/0.25m^2). Each sorted category was also weighed to produce biomass estimates (g/1m^2 or g/0.25m^2). | Counts of live and dead oysters in three size categories per 0.25m^2 or per 1m^2 (spat, 10-25mm; seed, 25-75mm; market, >75mm); counts of other species per 0.25m^2 or per 1m^2; oyster shell height (mm); oyster biomass by size category (g/0.25m^2 or g/1m^2) | 2010 | 2015 | Annual | NRDA Oyster Technical Working Group | Oyster/Oyster Reef | Oysters - Density, Oysters - Additional Indicators, Oysters - Size Class | Apalachicola NERR, Yellow River Marsh, Apalachicola Bay | View |
5074 | Assessment of Oysters and Barnacles Along the Chassahowitzka, Homosassa, and Lower Withlacoochee River Systems | NW | Up to 50 oyster bars were mapped in each river system and the mapped areas were divided into three sub-areas for sampling and three to five haphazardly placed 0.25m^2 quadrats were evaluated per sub-area. Density was calculated as the count of all oyster specimens within the quadrat area with both valves attached. Percent live was estimated by opening a minimum of 25 specimens to distinguish live individuals from dead individuals. The percent live calculation was used to estimate the size of the oyster sample needed to obtain a minimum live specimen sample size of 25 during laboratory processing. Each laboratory sample was processed to separate individual oysters and associated fauna. Up to 25 live oysters were measured (shell height in mm) with calipers. Whole wet weights, shell wet weights and tissue dry weights were also measured in order to calculate a condition index. | Oyster shell height (mm), density (#/0.25 m^2), acreage (m^2), percent live (%) | 2018 | 2018 | One-time | Southwest Florida Water Management District (SWFWMD) | Oyster/Oyster Reef | Oysters - Acreage, Oysters - Percent Live, Oysters - Size Class, Oysters - Density | Nature Coast, St. Martins Marsh | View |
5075 | Apalachicola Bay Intertidal Oyster Sampling | NW | Six samples placed at regular intervals along a reef transect (intervals determined as transect length/7). At each sampling interval a second transect is laid perpendicular to the main transect and a 1m^2 quadrat divided into 100 grid cells is positioned halfway between the main transect and the edge of the reef. Percent cover is assessed using the 1m^2 quadrat with the point-intercept method. A 0.25m^2 quadrat is then placed in the center of the area covered by each 1m^2 quadrat and all living material excavated to wrist level. The total weight of each sample is measured and for four of the samples, all live and articulated dead oysters are enumerated, shell heights of up to 100 live and freshly dead oysters are measured to the nearest mm. Other live-caught fauna in each sample (e.g., crabs, snails, mussels) are also enumerated and measured (mm). | Percent cover (point-intercept, 100 grid cells), reef height (m), bed thickness, counts of live and articulated dead oysters and other live mollusks and crabs, sample weights (kg), shell height of up to 100 live and recently dead oysters and associated live mussels and crabs (mm) | 2019 | 2019 | One-time | Northeastern University Marine Science Center | Oyster/Oyster Reef | Oysters - Percent Live, Oysters - Size Class, Oysters - Additional Indicators, Oysters - Density | Apalachicola NERR | View |
5077 | Biscayne Bay Aquatic Preserves Continuous Water Quality Monitoring | SE | 15-minute data collections at fixed stations currently using YSI EXO2 data sondes, with earlier data from YSI 6920 at BBLR03 and YSI 6600-V2 at BBBB14. | water temperature (°C), specific conductivity (mS/cm), salinity (psu), dissolved oxygen (%), dissolved oxygen (mg/L), depth (m), pH, turbidity (FNU), and chlorophyll (RFU and ug/L) | 2019 | Current | Continuous | Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP); Office of Resilience and Coastal Protection (RCP); Biscayne Bay Aquatic Preserves | Water Column | WaterCol - Water Clarity, WaterCol - Water Quality | Biscayne Bay | View |
10000 | RiverKeeper | NE | Monthly or bi-monthly water sampling by boat or vehicle. | Alkalinity (mg/L), BOD (mg/L), CHL A Cor (ug / L), CHL A unC (ug / L), Color (PCU), Cond_ (umho/cm), Depth (m), DO (% Sat), DO mg/L, E_ coli (MPN/100 mL), Enterococci (MPN/100 ml), F-Coliform ( MPN/100ml), Light % (at 1M), Light % (at 2M), NH3 (mg-N / L), NO2+NO3 (mg-N / L), Org_ N (mg-N / L), Ortho P (mg-P / L), pH, Salinity (ppt), Secchi (Meters), Sucralose (ng/L), T-Coliform (MPN/100ml), Temp_ (Deg_ C), TKN (mg-N / L), TOC (mg/L), Total N (mg-N / L), Total P (mg-P / L), TSS (mg/L), Turbidity (NTU) | 1991 | Current | Monthly | Loxahatchee River District | Water Column | WaterCol - Water Quality, WaterCol - Water Clarity, WaterCol - Nutrients | Loxahatchee River-Lake Worth Creek, Jensen Beach to Jupiter Inlet | View |
10001 | Loxahatchee River District Landscape-Scale Seagrass Mapping Area | NE | Landscape-scale Mapping Methods: performed while snorkeling. Quantifed seagrass presence or absence by deploying a 9m2 quadrat at each sample point. 2010 data includes water depth and seagrass density: visually estimated in cells where seagrass was present, using the following categories: (1) low density (< 5% coverage); (2) moderate density (> 5% but < 90% coverage); and (3) high density (= 90% coverage). 2007, 2010 and 2018 included abundance scores of 0-9 based on number of cells with seagrass present. 2018 and 2022 included Modified Braun-Blanquet scores. | seagrass presence, 2010 data includes Water depth (cm), predominant substrate type (much, sand, rock/shell, detritus), muck depth if present, Density (m2), acreage. | 2007 | Current | Periodic | Loxahatchee River District; Wildpine Ecological Laboratory | Submerged Aquatic Vegetation | SAV - Percent Cover | Jensen Beach to Jupiter Inlet, Loxahatchee River-Lake Worth Creek | View |
10002 | Apalachicola Bay Oyster Size Class Monitoring | NW | diver quadrat, 1/4 m2 | Site name, Date, Quadrat #, Shell height, Trip (an FDACS code?), month, day, year, station ( helps understand how many stations were done on a bar that year), Number (helps understand how many quads were counted that year) | 1982 | 2012 | Variable | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) | Oyster/Oyster Reef | Oysters - Size Class | Apalachicola Bay, Apalachicola NERR | View |
10003 | Tomoka Marsh Aquatic Preserve Continuous Water Quality Monitoring | NE | 15-minute data collections at fixed stations using a YSI EXO2 | water temperature (°C), specific conductivity (mS/cm), salinity (psu), dissolved oxygen (%), dissolved oxygen (mg/L), depth (m), pH and turbidity (NTU-6600, FNU-EXO) | 2021 | 2022 | Continuous | Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP); Office of Resilience and Coastal Protection (RCP); Tomoka Marsh Aquatic Preserve | Water Column | WaterCol - Water Clarity, WaterCol - Water Quality | Tomoka Marsh | View |
10004 | Florida Keys Aquatic Preserves Continuous Water Quality Monitoring | SE | 15-minute data collections at fixed stations using EXO data sondes | Water temperature (°C), specific conductivity (mS/cm), salinity (psu), dissolved oxygen percent (%), dissolved oxygen (mg/L), depth (m), pH and turbidity (NTU-6600, FNU-EXO) | 2022 | Current | Continuous | Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP); Office of Resilience and Coastal Protection (RCP); Florida Keys Aquatic Preserves | Water Column | WaterCol - Water Clarity, WaterCol - Water Quality | Florida Keys NMS, Lignumvitae Key, Coupon Bight | View |
10005 | Water Management District LULC Coastal Wetlands (SJRWMD, SFWMD, SWFWMD, SRWMD, NWFWMD) | NE, NW, SE, SW | Coastal Wetlands LandCover within each original dataset GIS_3030, GIS_4023, GIS_4024, GIS_5068 and GIS_5069 were merged into a single dataset. The GIS "Dissolve" function was used to combine overlapping polygons of a specific LULC into a single non-duplicated polygon for that LULC. | Coastal Wetlands Acreage (Hectares) | 1988 | Current | TBD | St. Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD), South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD), Southwest Florida Water Management District (SWFWMD), Suwannee River Water Management District (SRWMD), Northwest Florida Water Management District (NWFWMD) | Coastal Wetlands | Wetlands - Acreage | Big Bend Seagrasses, Cape Haze, Gasparilla Sound-Charlotte Harbor, Indian River-Vero Beach to Ft. Pierce | View |