Program Info
- Website
- Region(s)
- NE
- Summary
- Mangrove/Salt marsh (Coastal Wetland). Mangrove/Saltmarsh GIS data is duplicate from LULC data. Wetlands Vegetation 24k dataset appears to be a separate project from the LULC. Metadata for Wetlands Vegetation 24k: Open Data geospatial content of the St Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD). Environmental datasets for various mapping projects including wetland vegetation and deep water habitats and submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) of spring runs. Wetlands polygons were photointerpreted by district staff from 1:24,000 color infrared photography. The photography dates for each county are: 11/90 Alachua 01/86 Brevard 01/86 Clay 05/84 Duval 11/90 Flagler 04/89 Indian River 02/87 Lake 01/86 Marion 04/89 Nassau 03/88 Orange 11/90 Putnam 03/84 Seminole 01/88 St. Johns 03/88 Volusia
- Parameters
- Acreage (acres) for Coastal Wetland categories, and a single SAV category
- Notes
- Use SJRWMD LULC data instead of the Mangrove/Saltmarsh dataset. Lookup data to match Land Cover: LandCoverID CLC_Num LC_Name ID3031 130 5250 Mangrove Swamp Mangrove forest 198 5241 Salt Flat Salt flat 199 5240 Salt Marsh Spartina alterniflora marsh 208 5252 Scrub Mangrove Shrub mangrove 233 2150 Submergent Aquatic Vegetation Submerged aquatic beds 240 5220 Tidal Flat Tidal flat
- Application
- Publications
- Start
- 1984
- End
- 2003
- Frequency
- Periodic
- Method
- Land cover mapping - GIS
- Discontinuity
- Data Location
- Data Format
- Habitats
- Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Coastal Wetlands
- SEACAR Citation
- St. Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD). (2002). Coastal Wetlands. Updated 04/22/2022. Distributed by: SEACAR Data Discovery Interface, Office of Resilience and Coastal Protection, Florida Department of Environmental Protection.
- Alternative Citation
indicates priority attributes

Ron Brockmeyer
Program Extent
Export Standardized Data
Habitat(s) : Indicator(s) | Last Updated | File Download |
Submerged Aquatic Vegetation : Acreage | 09/04/24 09:32 PM | Download File - SAV Acreage - |
Coastal Wetlands : Acreage | 09/04/24 09:32 PM | Download File - Coastal Wetlands Acreage - |
DIP Document | N/A | Download File - DIP |
Office of Resilience and Coastal Protection Managed Areas
Banana River, Fort Clinch, Guana River Marsh, Guana Tolomato Matanzas NERR, Indian River-Malabar to Vero Beach, Indian River-Vero Beach to Ft. Pierce, Mosquito Lagoon, Nassau River-St. Johns River Marshes, Pellicer Creek, Tomoka Marsh
Indicator |
Submerged Aquatic Vegetation - Acreage |
Coastal Wetlands - Acreage |
Documentation and Data provided by program
File Type | File Name | Added On | Details |
GIS | | 01/07/19 11:28 AM | |
GIS | | 01/07/19 11:28 AM | |
Logo | SJRWMD.jpg | 04/28/23 12:22 PM | |
Protocols | ID_3031_OpenData_Wetlands_Veg2002.pdf | 03/19/20 12:07 PM |