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Journal article in Journal of Environmental Management. In September of 2011, 50 points in the bay were selected in a random stratified manner to make sure that data collection sites were spread evenly but randomly throughout the bay. Data was collected over 2 days from as many of the 50 sites as possible every 3 weeks for a year. All sites could not be accessed during every collection period due to environmental and vessel/equipment limitations. At each site during each collection period three paired underwater and surface light readings were taken at least 30 seconds apart using two underwater LI-193 Spherical PAR sensors for Quantum Scalar Irradiance, which gives you PAR readings in µmol photons/m2/s from all directions, and a LI-1400 Datalogger (Fig.2). One of the paired light sensors rested 25 cm above the bay floor, so that existing seagrass beds would not shade out the sensor, and the other was held just above the water surface. An additional light reading was taken in the boat at the same time with a flat LI-190 quantum sensor so that data collected with spherical sensors could be compared with data collected by flat sensors. The time the readings were taken was recorded for all data collected. The water depth at the time and location of the light reading was recorded using a metric tape attached to the pole the Li-Cor sensors were on. In total 1,926 paired readings were taken. Data was collected at each site 10 to 15 times with most sites having data collected there 13 times. An YSI Pro2030 Dual Dissolved Oxygen/Conductivity Instrument was used to record water temperature, salinity, and dissolved oxygen at each site during each data collection period.At each of the 50 data collection sites a soil sample was taken and analyzed to determine the percent of water, organic matter, sand, and silt/clay.
Water temperature (deg. C), salinity (ppt), dissolved oxygen (% and mg/L), depth (cm), PAR (umol photons/m^2/s), light attenuation (% light at depth, Kd), soil water (%), soil organic matter (avg. %), sand (%), Silt/Clay (%), qualitative observations of vegetation type and density
Hotaling_Estero_LiDAR_Soil_Veg.xlsx contains Metadata, GIS data, Sediment Data, SAV data, Light Data and Water Quality Data. HotalingHagan_JEMA186(2017)_SAV-Light.pdf contains the journal article of this study with protocol data.
Hotaling-Hagan, A., Swett, R., Ellis, L.R., Frazer, T.K., 2017. A spatial model to improve site selection for seagrass restoration in shallow boating environments. Journal of Environmental Management 186, 42–54.
50 locations in Estero Bay selected in a random stratified manner. At each sampling event, three paired surface/sumberged Li-Cor PAR measurements were taken 25cm above the bottom, along with water quality parameter measurements with a YSI multiprobe. Water depth was also measured. The study also included a survey of boaters to determine most common boating routes through Estero Bay as well as bathymetry data and model validation based on SAV coverage from aerial imagery provided by the Southwest Florida Water Management District.
No data for November 2011
Data Location
Data Format
Water Column Submerged Aquatic Vegetation
SEACAR Citation
SeaGrant; University of Florida. (2012). A spatial model to improve site selection for seagrass restoration in shallow boating environments. Updated 09/17/2020. Distributed by: SEACAR Data Discovery Interface, Office of Resilience and Coastal Protection, Florida Department of Environmental Protection.
Alternative Citation

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Althea Hotaling Hagan

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Office of Resilience and Coastal Protection Managed Areas

Estero Bay


Water Column - Water Quality
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Submerged Aquatic Vegetation - Additional Indicators

Documentation and Data provided by program

File Type File Name Added On Details
Data Hotaling_Estero_LiDAR_Soil_Veg.xlsx 07/16/18 02:58 PM View Details
GIS 07/16/18 02:58 PM View Details
Protocols HotalingHagan_JEMA186(2017)_SAV-Light.pdf 07/16/18 02:58 PM View Details